Chapter XIX ''A dance''

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It had been a long time since she had any dreams that would be etched in her memory.
Ever since the dream that made her risk setting fire to her chamber in King's Landing, she believed in her dreams. She believed they were some kind of visions, showing her what would happen or giving her some sort of clues.

Now she didn't know what to think about it. She knew it was the throne room in the Red Keep, but it looked slightly different. Besides, there were a lot of people here, tables were set on the sides of the room and the whole chamber was decorated as if for some kind of ball.

She herself was wearing the white dress she had worn that day to another meeting where she and the officials dealt with law in Meereen.

She didn't pay attention to any words said by the guards at the door, they were probably announcing someone. She preferred to look at the throne, wanted to approach it, but someone gently tapped her on the shoulder.

"Shall we finally start the ball?" she didn't know that voice.

She turned around and was speechless. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and tears welling up in her eyes. She had never seen his face, but she knew it was him: It was her father.

He stretched out his hand towards her and asked her to dance. None of this was really happening, but she wanted to throw herself into his arms and hug him as tight as she could, to finally feel at home. Now that she saw his beautiful purple eyes, she found her own in them. That same shiny silver hair, it was him, her heart knew it.

She didn't want to wake up, she didn't want to return to reality where there was no place for her in the world, where she could only do something for others and was no longer able to do something for herself.
And if her father was here, it means that mother must also be somewhere nearby... She would like to see her too, hug to her mother's chest and feel like a child who has no worries.

"Yes..." she whispered, holding back tears, and allowed him to take her hand.

The music started playing, his other hand rested on her waist. She had never danced, but he guided her smoothly through the dance. She smiled, never taking her eyes off him for even a moment, as if wanting to memorize every detail of his face in case she never saw him again.

"Everyone is looking at you." he told her quietly, turning her around just after that. "You look beautiful today, daughter."

"Thank you." that was all she could choke out. She wanted to say more, talk to him, ask him so many questions... But her throat was too tight with emotion for her to be able to do so, so she just enjoyed what she had.

When the melody ended, she grabbed the sides of her dress and curtsied, closing her eyes. She stayed in that position for a moment and then stood up, ready to ask something, but she couldn't.

When she stood up straight again and opened her eyes, it was no longer the same scene. There were no guests in the room, it was not decorated, on the contrary... It was ruined. She even felt snow landing on her face and the exposed part of her neckline, making her shiver. Moreover, standing in front of her was no longer her father, but some boy she had never seen before.
He had curly hair that you just wanted to put your hand in and comb it through with it. He looked at her with his blue eyes and it seemed to her that he was as surprised as she was, even though at the same time she melted a little in his gaze.

They looked at each other for a long moment, the only sound being the wind crashing against the walls. Then the unknown boy extended his hand slightly in front of him, as her father had done earlier.
She was about to receive it when she woke up back in her chamber in the Great Pyramid of Meereen.

She rose to a sitting position and moved hand through her hair. She didn't know what to think about it, she couldn't find any meaning in this dream. Besides, she had no idea who the boy she dreamed about was. Could she be meeting him soon?
The last time it happened was when she dreamed of Ser Jorah... And everything came true, so was she also waiting for a meeting with this mysterious figure?

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