Chapter XVII ''Meereen''

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"Would you like to sit?" Oberyn offered to Lord Tywin.

He and Elaria were currently using Lord Baelish's brothel in the capital, but Lord Casterly Rock had to interrupt them. He came accompanied by guards and asked to talk, so he agreed, although he would rather do other things.

"No, thanks." Tywin replied as his guards left, leaving them alone in the brothel room. He would prefer another place, but at the same time he didn't want to postpone this conversation.

"Wine?" he suggested, getting off the bed and throwing a scarf over himself.

"No, thanks." Tywin repeated.

"I'm sorry about your grandson." with that, Oberyn went to pour himself some wine.


"I do not believe that children are responsible for the sins of their parents." he replied with some venom in his voice, although on the surface his tone was still polite, or even pleasant. "Or grandparents." he added, looking at Tywin once he had filled his cup. "A horrible way to die."

"What way?" in just two words he managed to make it clear that the younger prince of Dorne was on his list of suspects. Oberyn understood the accusation immediately.

"Are you interrogating me, Lord Tywin?"

"Some believe the king choked."

"Some people believe that the sky is blue because we live in the eye of the blue-eyed giant." Oberyn countered, sitting back on the bed."The king was poisoned." stated a fact that they both knew perfectly well.

"I heard you studied poisons at the Citadel."

Is he accusing me again?

"That's why I know."

"Everyone knows you hate my family." Tywin maintained the same tone throughout the entire conversation. "You come to the capital, you are an expert in poisons, a few days later my grandson dies."

"Suspicious." he admitted, looking into his wine glass for a moment. "Why haven't you thrown me into the dungeon yet?"

"You talked to Tyrion in that brothel the day you arrived. About what?"

Ah... He thinks we were conspiring together. It almost made me laugh.

"Do you think we were conspiring?" Oberyn asked bluntly. Tywin then repeated his question, so the prince stood up and walked over to Tywin, this time answering the question."My sister's death."

"Which you blame me for."

They were now facing each other and staring at each other. There had been tension in the room since Tywin had entered, but now it was beginning to build dangerously quickly.

"She was raped and killed by the Mountain. The Mountain takes orders from you. Of course I blame you." all these years, his hatred for Tywin and the Mountain has not left him, and probably never will, even when he takes revenge.

And he will do it, he does not believe in the justice of the Gods. If you want justice, you have to bring it yourself.

"I stand here unarmed, without guards. Should I be afraid?"

"You came because you know me. I am a reasonable person. If I cut your throat now, I'd probably be quartered tomorrow."

"In war, people commit various crimes without their superior's knowledge."

"You also didn't know that Visenya belongs to my family and after her mother's death she should go to Dorne, under our protection?"

Tywin didn't comment on it in any way because he didn't have the ability to. Oberyn was right, but he would never admit it, and those days he could afford not to follow generally accepted rules, after all, after the war, he was a big winner and his daughter was the Queen.

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