Chapter XII ''Follow the vision of a better tomorrow''

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Already quite calm, she sat down on the table on which there were cages with dragons sitting in them. She let them out and now they were walking around freely or hugging to her. They were her only companions in the room. She stroked them slowly, even though it would be hard for her to reach behind her back, and that's where Rhaegal was.

"We're left alone..." she said with a sigh. She lowered her head slightly, which Viserion immediately tried to raise, causing a soft smile to appear on her face. "I'm afraid... I don't know if I can do it, she could definitely do it." she said this, thinking about Daenerys' plan to gain an army of the Unsullied. "What if it doesn't work out? What if they kill us, not we them? What if I can't get people to follow me?" she looked at Drogon, who was having fun with Maelia, they pushing themselves on Visenya's hand and arm. What if the dragon doesn't listen to her? There was no contingency plan.

She sat there for some time, considering the many unknowns. She wondered if she could be a charismatic leader that people would want to follow, a person they could trust to lead them to a better world.
Maybe they shouldn't just follow her?

"Maybe I can convince them to the goal? So that they don't fight just for me, but for the goal I want to achieve? A goal that should also be important to them?" she asked, even though she knew she wouldn't get any answer. "And how did you come to be in the basements of the Red Keep?" she tilted her head to get a better look at Maelia, who was currently hanging under her arm. The creature looked at her and tilted its head as well. "Is this also the work of this... Christer Renel? Who is he exactly? Why did Selaria never want to tell me anything about her brother..."

The man who took the letter from her in the Sept of Baelor was a mystery to her - and would probably remain forever, no matter how much she wanted to discover his secrets. All she knew was that he was the brother of her former maid and he was... Very specific. And that he supposedly saved her life. How? Why?

Selaria, why didn't you say anything about him? What were you hiding from me?

"Tomorrow is a big day..." she sighed again. "That you can't assure me that everything will be fine..." she wanted to say something more, but she heard someone open the door and then close it quickly. She turned her gaze to them. "You can come in."

"I'm sorry, Your Grace... I wasn't eavesdropping." it turned out to be Missandei. A woman that Daenerys also took as part of her deal with Kraznys.

When Visenya went to assure Kraznys that the deal could still go through, Missandei then asked her what she plans to do with her.

She wouldn't have the heart to leave her or send her somewhere, unless the girl herself wanted to go somewhere, explore the world or settle down and live a quiet life. However, Missandei had no such plans, so she decided to travel with Vis.

It was obvious that she didn't feel comfortable around her yet and hadn't had time to get used to the fact that she was no longer a slave, that Kraznys was no longer standing next to her, scolding her for the slightest slip-up and probably doing much worse things.

"I didn't accuse you of anything. Come in."

Visenya wanted them to be friends. It was obvious that she was missing close people in her life, people with whom she could talk about everything or confide. From the outside, it could also look like that, due to lack of self-confidence, she was looking for recognition from others, as if it would drive her to act. It was as if she couldn't believe in her own strength until someone else believed in her.

She promised herself that she would be strong. She must keep this promise at all costs.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Your Grace."

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