Chapter X ''Be careful''

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She had already spent several days in Astapor, during which she came across Roran - the "dancing snake" man - several times. Each time he was very nice to her, exchanged a few words with her, asked about various things, including her family, whether she was staying in Astapor for a long time, where he could find her.

Despite being raised "under the wings" of Tywin Lannister, she seemed to find nothing suspicious in these questions. It was as if the only thing that mattered was the freedom to talk to whoever she wanted.

"Don't you think this man is a little suspicious?" ser Arthur asked her as they returned from the market. He would say even very suspicious, although Visenya didn't seem to share his opinion.

"Why?" she turned her gaze to him. "He's an ordinary man trying to earn a living."

"Anyone who is too curious is suspicious." he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Visenya didn't seem to care much about these words, she pushed them to the back of her head and left them for later thought.

Later that day, she met with Daenerys for a serious talk. Her aunt wanted to share with her her plan to obtain the Unsullied without giving the dragon.

Besides, it was just the time for that, because when Visenya first heard about this idea, she was ready to think that her aunt had either gone crazy or was ready to sacrifice everything to acquire an army.

"You didn't really think I was going to give them the dragon in exchange for the Unsullied, did you?" Dany asked as Vis gently stroked Maelia and Rhaegal, who laid down on her lap. There was a note of amusement in Dany's voice, which intensified when she saw Visenya's expression. "You thought so?"

"There were a lot of crazy ideas in this family, so this one would not surprise me." she replied, smiling gently back. "So... Kraznys will finally realize that we actually understand everything he says to us and what he calls us?"

Both women giggled just imagining Kraznys' expression.

In this situation, Vis found it hard to believe Roran's words about Daenerys - she was too proud to talk to ordinary people? Impossible, she absolutely had no such impression.

"And then?" Vis asked when they finally stopped laughing.

"If they decide to follow me as free men, we all will leave the city. We will go somewhere further, the closest is Yunkai." she explained, standing next to her niece and petting Rhaegal and Maelia, with an extremely gentle expression on her face. "And later I will take the Iron Throne." as she said this, she looked at her with a spark in her eyes, but there was no anger or threat in them, more... Determination.

She removed her hand and went somewhere to pour herself some wine, leaving Visenya alone.

You will take the Iron Throne?
But on the other hand... Would Visenya like to be at war, make decisions? Watch its cruelty, give orders to people and sentence them to death?

But... If she doesn't do this, if she doesn't pull herself together and believe in herself, then Selaria's death will, in a sense, be in vain... Everything she taught her, when she taught her the history of her family in the evenings by candlelight, not only the downfalls but also the times of glory, how she kept telling her that she was the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms, its heir...

Was she going to throw it all away now because her aunt said so?
She hasn't even said a word to let her know that she intends to argue with her about who should sit on the throne, so maybe it's time to speak up? Before it's too late...

But what is he going to do? She will say she doesn't agree and what next?
I'll command to kill her? No...

She couldn't afford to lose of her last family. Moreover, looking at her face, she almost found a reflection of her own in it.

She spent the whole day thinking about it until she went out to freshen up again. These walks were never helped by the sight of the Walk of Punishments. She didn't want to look at those tortured, bloody faces and bodies, but her eyes involuntarily clung to these horrors.

"What have they doone to end up here...?" she asked quietly, closing her eyes slightly as the setting sun began to dazzle her. "Or no, don't tell me." she added quickly, seeing that Ser Arthur was ready to answer her question. "I don't want to know..."

"Is something troubling you, Your Grace?" she didn't answer this question.

He sighed heavily, but quietly so that she wouldn't notice. She had a soft heart, he could see it, even when she looked at those punished slaves. He wasn't afraid that this soft heart would one day destroy her, he was more afraid of... That the world would destroy it, destroy her. The world, which is full of cruelties, can destroy this good-natured girl and no one will ever see her kind eyes and delicate smile again.

It was a bit surprising that she could be extremely sad and concerned, and at the same time have a generous attitude towards the people around her. She didn't seem to have any suspicions until she saw something with her own eyes that would erase the image of someone in her eyes for good.

At the same time, he admired her ability to perceive the world this way and considered it a flaw.
Well, maybe he was the one doomed to think about the dangers in this relation?

Rhaegar was similar, except he had a tendency to be reckless...

It was easy to get lost in the crowd at the Slave Market, even at the hour when the city was slowly going to sleep. Find somebody? Ha, almost impossible. That's why she almost jumped when she heard the sound of the blade being slowly removed.

"I won't hurt her, I'm just playing the flute! What can I do, throw it at her?" her heart didn't calm down at all at the sound of the familiar voice, not when she saw that her knight recognized the man approaching from behind as a possible threat and kept his hand clenched on the hilt of his sword.

"Nothing happened." she assured, looking significantly at ser Arthur, who moved slightly aside, although he was still very distrustful of the Queen's "friend". "You better not sneak up on me like that. What are you doing here anyway, Roran?"

"I was looking for you, my Lady." he seemed frantic as he approached her. "If you want to stop the carnage, you must... We must act quickly." he said to her in a whisper, looking into her eyes. He looked very worried or stressed about some situation, but he wasn't afraid to get so close to her at all.

"What are you talking about? What carnage?" if it weren't for his attitude, she would probably have laughed at that moment. She didn't know yet what could have happened to cause him to be in such a state, but she was starting to get nervous.

"If you don't stop Daenerys, a lot of blood will flow down the sidewalks of Astapor." he leaned closer to her ear. "I will do it for you. The crown will be yours." he whispered.

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