Chapter IV ''Flames''

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In the evening, she still didn't tell the maid what she found in the basement. She preferred to keep silent about it until she decided what to do.

She also wondered about her dream - the sight of the capital captured by someone, and then that woman on fire... Was it some kind of sign, message for her? Until she puts these thoughts in her head, it's better that she doesn't take any action.

"Selaria!" she shouted suddenly, touching her loose hair. "Find Ser Barristan and tell him I want to see him in the gardens." she said as soon as the maid entered the chamber. In fact, as quickly as she entered she left, and Visenya was left alone again.

She went to the wardrobe to take out a dark coat, which she then put on. Before she decided anything, she had to ask him what it all meant. Why did he give her the egg and what is she supposed to do with it?

Immediately after putting on the cloak, she left the chamber and carefully, avoiding the guards as much as possible, went to the castle gardens, starting to slowly walk through them.
What did she actually want to say? Ask him everything directly, without worrying that someone might overhear them? And will Ser Barristan be able to come at all? After all, he might be on guard duty somewhere and he won't just leave it for some stupid conversation with her...

"My queen..."

She turned around very quickly when she heard that. Opening her eyes wider, she looked at ser Barristan, who bowed slightly to her.

"What are you saying, ser? I am no queen, you can even lose your life for such statements." she looked around the garden slightly panicked to see if there was anyone there, but fortunately she only saw Selaria standing nearby and looking out to see if anyone was coming.

"I knew your father, I was friends with him..." he began. "And I know you shouldn't be so afraid of who you are, who you could be." she sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers and closing her eyes.

"I have no family, no support... The war is over, I want... I just want to live normally, at home." she explained quite calmly.

"At home? Do you really think they'll let you stay here?" she removed her hand from her nose and crossed her arms over her chest. "Lord Tywin Lannister will marry you off at the first opportunity."

"He won't do it because no one will want me." she shrugged.

It was obvious to her, no one would want a "princess" from an overthrown dynasty. What would such a marriage give him? What's more, she is almost in no way connected with the Lannisters,  what counts most is blood ties - and of course she had none. Well, except Martells.

"There will always be some sadist who will pay a lot for a pretty face." she looked away from him, disgusted. "Forgive me this directness, Your Grace, but this is unfortunately the way of the world."

Visenya didn't answer.

What was she supposed to say? It was obvious that she couldn't stop him from calling her names, no matter what she said. She was only afraid that someone would overhear all this and report them, and she would only get punished unnecessarily. She didn't even want to ask the question, she was already perfectly aware of his goal - he wanted her to fight for what was taken from her.

But how was she supposed to do it? Without any support, without family? She had nothing. No army, no lands, no wealth... How did he think she could do that, with words? It's laughable... And sitting in King's Landing, locked up, she won't be able to magically conjure up all this (although even if she could travel freely around Westeros, it wouldn't be that easy, if not impossible).

Is it so bad that she wanted to live in peace? No problems, no quarrels... She managed to come to terms with the fact that everything had been taken away from her. Now she was supposed to start fighting for it?

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