Chapter V ''I'll take what is mine''

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"What are you going to do about it now, Maegelle?" Selaria asked Visenya.

The girl was moved to another chamber until the effects of the fire will be removed in her previous one. She was just sitting on the bed, on which the dragon was moving clumsily. She was staring at him - or her? She had no idea - smiling. She felt as if she had been given new hope.

"This "thing" has a name." she replied, stretching out her hand to the dragon, and it immediately climbed on it, cuddling to her. "Maelia." she added after a moment's thought.

"Similar to your mother's name." Vis nodded, still paying attention to the dragon. True, she decided to name him, or her - Guess she'll just assume it's her - after her mother, but she had no intention of lamenting her fate and the fact that she never got to know her parents for the rest of her life.

In recent years she was very... Depressed. She preferred to submit rather than try to fight what happened to her.

Everyone can be broken.

Fact. But she herself contributed to being broken.

She still remembered that day. She had just had a lesson with Septa, she was an eleven-year-old girl at the time, but she wasn't stupid. She still caused a little trouble, and the septa shouted at her more than once for it.

She told her to name the Great Houses of Westeros, and still called her that insufferable name "Maegelle"...

As usual, she decided to spite her. As soon as the septa pointed to King's Landing, she beautifully recited: "House Targaryen. Sigil: A red, three-headed dragon on a black background. Words: Fire and Blood."

She didn't even have to look at the septa to see that she was very angry.
What word did she love to use? Oh yes, irreformable.

A short but unpleasant dialogue quickly broke out between them.

"Wrong. House Baratheon of King's Landing. Tell the rest." the girl remained silent, her eyes focused on the table with the map. "I'm talking to you, Maegelle!"

"But you shouldn't! My name is not Maegelle, but Visenya! Visenya of House Targaryen, princess of the Seven Kingdoms and...!" she didn't finish because the woman hit her in the face with a thin stick that she had previously used to show her places on the map. "How dare you...!" she was hit the second time.

"Everything wrong. You are Maegelle. Courtesy of Lord Tywin, you are alive and living in Casterly Rock. And thanks to this same kindness, you will get married someday."

"What kind of kindness is that? You murdered my mother, father and siblings! You make me dye my hair and call me some strange name that I don't even like! It's a prison, not kindness!" Septa hit her again, only this time not with a stick, but with an open hand in the face.

Visenya already knew that the idea to get rid of the septa, which had been in her head for some time, had a chance of succeeding.

She took a knife from the kitchen from the pocket she had sewn into her dress. Slowly and carefully, so that the woman wouldn't notice, she ran the blade across her hand and part of her forearm, under the sleeve of her dress.

"Repeat, Maegelle..." this time it was Vis who had had enough. She didn't even let the septa finish that sentence, she just spat at her.

And then the tide changed. The septa hit her so hard that the girl fell off the bench and onto the ground. At that moment, she decided it was time to try and implement her plan to get rid of the annoying teacher.

"Help, she wants to kill me! King Robert sent her to get rid of me!" she started screaming and crying, moving away from the septa, still on the ground.

"You little..." the woman only then realized how wrong she was doing by hitting her. "What have you got there?" she saw a knife in the girl's hand, which she quickly snatched away. She wanted to leave quickly and report Visenya's behavior, maybe even to Lord Tywin himself, who ordered her to study, but she didn't have time.

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