Chapter XXIX ''Born in flames''

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Sitting with all these women wasn't the most interesting thing to do. She should be in Meereen right now, dealing with the Sons of the Harpy once and for all, not stuck here. Although maybe some good will come out of it if her plan succeeds... Except she still doesn't know how she's going to lock them in here. This was what she was thinking about when the woman who welcomed her told her about the others.

Among others, there was a girl from Lhazareen whom Khal found hiding in a well after burning down her village. She felt involuntarily sad at the thought of a twelve-year-old girl who had to go through something like that. Barely a year later, she gave birth to a child - which she certainly didn't want - and since it was a girl, Khal broke her ribs. It was as if she meant nothing.

She immediately thought of the children crucified on the road to Meereen. Their fate was equally terrible, although it is difficult to say who had it worse - the one who finally met death and peace, or the one who survived.

She had to end this injustice.

She cannot listen to this woman, pretend to be someone she is not for the rest of her life and sit in this place. She is the Queen, not the widow of some Khal. She wants more from life than advising a bunch of savages. She must change them, change their barbaric customs, and she can only do this by becoming their Khaleesi.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, she said she had to leave, citing the need to urinate. But she couldn't even do that herself, the young girl they were talking about earlier was going to show her where it is done. As if she couldn't find a bush herself if she really needed it...

They left the hut together. Visenya watched her silently for a moment, assessing how open she could be with her. She looked scared, dissatisfied with her life. She was probably still wondering what would have happened if the Dothraki had never attacked her village. Unfortunately, she can't give her the village back, but she can give her back the freedom to choose her life path. She's still very young, she can do a lot.

She reminded her of her before she fled King's Landing, broken, hopeless. Because of this, she couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. So she smiled and spoke:

"Anha laz vo stodo eyak zhille neak." the girl didn't look at her. "Foz chiorisso estoro." she added, this encouraged the girl to raise her head and look at her.

*"I couldn't stand them anymore."*
*"Old women stink."*

"Mori tat estoro." she admitted that she was right, even smiled slightly. Nothing in the last few days, or even weeks, had made her happier than to make this girl smile.

"Hash foz hash yer, hash yeri khal athdrivar?" Visenya asked.

*"How old were you when your Khal died?"*

"Shindosi." she replied, glancing at her again, this time for longer.


"Mae thirat akka ale neak." she said it in an extremely light tone, even smiling boldly, convinced that she was right.

*"He lived far too long."*

She saw from the girl that she felt more comfortable in her company. That was the thing, if she had to be, she didn't want to be surrounded only by grumpy, stinky old women. And as much as possible, she wanted to make this poor girl's life better.

"Mori astat quro noreth chiori et zhavvorsi, tor. Ajjin rek tawak? Yer zhorre zhavvorsi?"  the girl asked when they were almost there, somewhere behind the bushes, not far from the cottage. There was enthusiasm in her voice, as if something interesting was finally happening in her life.

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