Chapter XXI ''Gentle heart''

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Robb thought nothing would surprise him in life anymore. He knew how twisted fate could be and how strange things could happen to you - it was mainly about that necklace out of nowhere. But he didn't expect to be so 'lucky' as to meet Stannis Baratheon, especially here, so close to the Wall, right after defending the castle.

It seems he doesn't deserve even a moment of peace.

He had never met Stannis in person before, but he tried to make a deal with him during the war, but he spurned his help, calling him a usurper.

He was not very pleased with this meeting, and especially didn't want to hear words of sympathy regarding the Red Wedding. Stannis only scratched his wounds and didn't gain his sympathy in any way.

Additionally, standing in front of him while he was sitting comfortably at his desk... He already felt judged and placed below him. He wanted to tell him to get to the point and stop spouting empty words of sympathy that he probably doesn't even mean.

"It's not too late." he finally said, it seemed as if Stannis was finally getting to the point. "Bemnd the knee, swear allegiance to me, and I will give you back the North."

His pride had not suffered enough to make him repent and fall to his knees. True, he would like to take the North back from the traitors who took it from him by deceit, he would like to rebuild the castle, to be able to live there again...

But his own inside was at odds with itself. On the one hand, something tells him that he doesn't deserve it, that he should step aside and let someone else deal with it... But his heart begs him  to not give up so easily, to avenge the people who gave their lives so that he could be saved.  It actually kept him on his toes and helped take his mind off the self-blame.

Maybe his heart will finally speak to that voice that this tragedy is in the past and he must move forward while he still can and try to make amends for his mistakes.

"It's not yours, you can't give it anyone." he replied without hesitation. Some might say it's not very intelligent to speak like that to someone who calls himself the King of the Seven Kingdoms and could easily demand your head, but if the Northmen haven't given up on him, he won't give up on them.

They named him King in the North and saved him, so he has to repay the debt. Maybe they'll give him a chance.

He must think first of all about his people, not himself.

"But it will be." he answered, but he didn't look upset yet. He was very confident, convinced of his victory, even if he had not achieved it yet. "As soon as I defeat the Boltons." exactly... 'as soon as' or rather 'if'. "And I will need the Warden of the North."

"How many men do you have?" Robb asked, instead of answering his unspoken demand.

"Six thousand."

"And how many will die along the way?" he asked, slightly raising an eyebrow. "How many sellswords will leave you when the winter becomes too harsh for them? You won't have enough left to take the castle, let alone the entire North."

"The Lords of the North will follow you." Robb refrained from sighing and looking away. He just demands all the time and has nothing to give in return. "You know this girl, Lyanna Mormont?" Stannis took out a rolled, small letter, which Robb immediately focused on.

"I knew her mother." he admitted.

Involuntarily his thoughts returned to the war. He knew Maege Mormont, for all he knew she had died fighting for him during the war. Stannis only confirmed these suspicions now...

"She's ten years old and the Lady of Bear Island. I asked her to support me and this is what she replied." he handed the letter to Stark to read it himself.

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