Chapter XXIII ''Refusal''

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Most of the time she was stressed, wondering what would happen next, whether they would find the culprits. She was afraid that she would soon hear about another murder and they would still not know who exactly committed it. So when she heard that Grey Worm and Daario had captured one of the Sons of the Harpy, some of her stress melted away. Eventually, maybe they'll learn more, as long as the man keeps answering questions...

For this reason, the meeting was held at the same table as usual, in her chamber. Everyone was sitting except her. She couldn't sit still, not now. It may sound strange, but she had to release her stress.

"The Sons of the Harpy want to put us back in chains. Please, Your Grace, you must kill him." said Mossador, with the accent typical for people from Essos who have learned the common tongue.

She understood what drove him, part of her thought the same, but she knew she couldn't do it. Not yet, not without a trial. First, they must interrogate him and prove his guilt, and only then can he be sentenced to death. This is the law, anything else is murder.

"I can't." she replied. "Every person deserves a trial."

"He may reveal some important information, he should be interrogated thoroughly first." ser Barristan pointed out.

"He won't reveal any important information." Daario replied to him. "I've already questioned him, he won't say anything."

"And what did you find out? That he is young and poor. Why would he fight to restore slavery?" it was clear that Hizdahr was trying to defend the people of his class, which was understandable. However, Visenya's suspicions always fell only on them.

"But he was born free." Mossador pointed out to him. At every meeting he showed his grudge against the Masters and it was hardly surprising, after all he had spent his whole life in chains... But at the same time he should control his tongue, there is no slavery now, everyone deserves a second chance, even if not everyone wants it use it.

"They paid him." Visenya spoke for the first time in a long time. "Such organizations cannot exist without the support of someone strong and wealthy."

How did she know? It was the same in Westeros. This is what Tywin Lannister did, others, weaker ones, did things for him, sometimes feeling that they had some power or the favor of the most dangerous man in the kingdom. He paid them with privileges or in gold and that's how it went. All the time.
Quite a circle. The Great Houses fight among themselves, driving this huge wheel. Each of them wants to be on top and have everyone under them, but as a result they only kill themselves and those who get in the way of the wheel.

"Yes, yes!" Mossador agreed with her. "The great families are afraid to do something themselves, so they pay the poor to do it for them. They are their slaves, slaves of their money!"

"How can you know that?" Hizdahr objected.

"Everyone knows it."

"I don't know, and I'm the head of a great family." she stopped for a moment when she heard Hizdahr's words. She was struck by the realization that his father must have died after all, since he was now the head of the family. For that one moment, she regretted locking everyone in the dungeons after taking over the city.

"We don't know what this man did." ser Arthur interrupted them. "As the Queen said, a trial is needed. Everyone has the right to a fair trial. We need to show the citizens of Meereen that the law works and applies to everyone equally."

"Yes, you must prove that you are better than those who ruled Meereen before you." ser Barristan agreed with his friend.

"I don't know where you come from, maybe it's different there, I hope so." she turned her gaze to the former slave. "But here in Meereen, before Visenya Targaryen came, we were owned by these people. We had to learn about them and adapt or die. They taught me what they are: monsters. Mercy, fair trial... It means nothing to them! They only understand blood, strenght."

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