Serena Is Injured

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Chapter 12

Suddenly, Loki sees the healers rushing to the throne room with a stretcher. Loki's heart sank in his chest because he had a horrible feeling that something was wrong with Serena. Loki went running after the healers. Thor stepped in front of Loki to stop him. "Brother you don't want to go in there." Loki's eyes got big with fear and asked Thor, "Why not? Is it Serena, Thor? Is she hurt? Tell me!!!" Thor put his hands on Loki's shoulders and said, "Yes, my brother. Serena was injured, badly. Sif tried to protect her, but it was too late. Serena had gotten injured, but Sif did keep her from any more injuries." Tears started to swell up in Loki's eyes. This can't be happening to him, the woman that he loves was severely injured during battle. He just couldn't lose her. Just then the healers came rushing by with Serena on the stretcher. That's when Loki sees Serena laying on the stretcher with blood on her. She had a big gash in her right shoulder that was bleeding perversely. Loki started crying. He followed the healers into the healing room. One of the healers said, "Sire, I must ask you to leave while we work with Serena." Loki said, "I refuse to leave her side. I'm staying!" The healer started to speak but Loki's look stopped him. The healer said, "Of course, your majesty. As you wish." Loki went to Serena's side and watched as the healers worked on Serena. One of the healers said, "We have to stop the bleeding if we are to save her." Loki asked the healer if they could save Serena. "Can you save her life?" The healer said, "I don't know, your majesty. She has been severely injured. It doesn't look good, your highness." Loki started to cry. Just then Queen Frigga came into the healing room. The healers all bowed before her. Frigga went to stand and then sit beside Loki. Frigga said, "Loki, she will be OK. The healers know what they are doing." Loki couldn't say anything except look at Serena laying on the table. After several hours of care. The healers finally got Serena's wound to stop bleeding and had her stabilized, but she was still unconscious. Loki still wouldn't leave her side. He swore he would stay with her until she came back to him. Frigga said, "Son, you need to rest." Loki said, "I'm NOT leaving her side until she comes out of this."

Suddenly, Odin appeared in the healing room. All of the healers bowed before him. Odin saw his queen and his son sitting beside Serena. Odin said, "Why is my queen and youngest son sitting beside one of my Elite Guards?" Frigga stood up and said, "My king, our son has fallen in love with Serena and refuses to leave her side." Odin's eye grew big, and he asked Loki, "My son, is this true?" Loki said, slowly and softly, "Yes father." But Loki never took his eyes off of Serena. Odin said, "Loki my son, you have neglected your royal duties as crown prince of Asgard. I insist that you resume them immediately." Loki didn't say a word, just stared at Serena laying on the table lifeless. Odin said, "Loki, did you hear me!" Frigga said, "My king, can't you tell that he's in love with Serena and won't leave her side." Odin looked at his queen and asked, "Does she love him as well?" Frigga said, "Yes, my king." Odin thought for a moment and asked her, "Well, how long has this been going on?" Frigga said, "Since the first day he met her." Odin asked Frigga, "Why haven't they come to me with this?" Frigga said, "They were planning on telling you when Serena got back from her mission but then this happened." Odin spoke to Loki, "My son, you really must get some sleep. The healers will let you know if there is any change in Serena's condition." Loki still didn't move from Serena's side. Odin looked at Frigga and asked, "Why doesn't he respond to me?" Frigga said, "Odin, my king, you already know the answer to that question. He's IN LOVE with her." Odin nodded his head "yes". Odin then spoke softly to Loki, "My son, when Serena comes out of this, I will bless the courtship of you and Serena." Loki STILL didn't move from Serena's side.   

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