Night of the Grand Banquet

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Chapter 28

Serena was in her chambers crying because she wouldn't get to see Loki that much and because she didn't want to be in the Elite Guards anymore. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Serena dries her eyes and tries to pull herself together. There was another knock on the door. Serena replied, "Who is it?" The voice answered, "Serena it's me Sif. Can I come in?" Serena gave one more look in the mirror. Her eyes were red and swollen a little bit, but she couldn't help that. Serena answered, "Come in, Sif." Sif walks and sees Serena's eyes are red and swollen from where she had been crying. Sif asked Serena, "Are you ok?" Serena said, "I'm fine." She lied. Sif said, "You can't fool me. I know you too well. You're NOT ok." Sif continues, "I heard what the All Father said to you, but I have some good news for you." Serena asked, "What sort of good news?" Sif said, "The All Father changed his mind. He's going to let you out of the Elite Guard." Serena smiled, "What made him change his mind?" Sif answered, "Queen Frigga threatened him." Serena asked, "What do you mean she threatened him?" Sif responded, "Well, you know tonight is the Royal Banquet. Serena nodded "yes." Sif goes on, "Well, Queen Frigga told the All Father that if he didn't change his mind about you, then he will be going to the banquet alone. Which would raise questions about the queen's absence. Then Odin would have to admit that he broke his word, which would make the citizens of, Asgard doubt the All Father words and they would demand a new king/All Father. Thor has already said he doesn't want the title so Loki would be next in line for king-and he does want the title."

Sif asked Serena, "What are you wearing to the Royal Banquet tonight?" Serena replied, "I'm not going." Sif exclaimed, "WHAT?! You have to go even if it's only to rub it in on the All Father that you can't be pushed around." Serena answered, "My mind's made up. I'm not going; besides I don't have anything suitable for a Royal Banquet. Remember I'm just an average city girl NOT royal material." Sif replied, "Well, I think that Loki might have something to say about that." "You bet I do." Loki said. Both Sif and Serena jumped when they heard Loki's voice. Sif said, "I wish you would stop doing that." Loki asked, "Stop doing what?" he smiled mischievously. Sif replied, "You know what, Loki. Sneaking up behind people." Serena smiled at Loki. Loki looked at Serena and replied, "So what's this I hear about you not going to the banquet?" Serena said, "That's right. I'm not going." Loki asked, "And why not?" Serena tells Loki, "It's like I told Sif, I don't have anything suitable for a Royal Banquet." Loki said, "Is that right? Well, I just might have a solution to that problem." Serena asked Loki, "What have you done?' Loki just smiled and waved his hand and several chambermaids brought in racks of different gowns on them. All in Serena's favorite shades of blue and purple.     

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