Loki Goes To Serena's Chambers

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Chapter 33

When Serena left Frigga's chambers, she started heading towards her own chambers because she was tired. After a full day of training with Sif and Loki then taking royal lessons from Queen Frigga, Serena was ready to go to bed. As she was heading to her chambers, someone came up behind her and grabbed her. Before she could scream, a hand came around to cover her mouth. This startled Serena until she heard the voice behind her say, "Shh....darling. You don't want to alarm anyone, do you." It was Loki that had come up behind her. Loki turned Serena around, so she was facing him. Then he removed his hand from her mouth. Serena asked Loki, "What the hell are you trying to do, scare me to death?!" Loki laughed mischievously and replied, "No baby, I just wanted to catch up with you before you reached your chambers." Serena asked, "Why?" Loki said, "I thought I would spend some time with you before you turn in." Serena answered, "Not tonight, Loki. I'm too tired. Maybe tomorrow." Loki pleaded with Serena, "Please, baby. I haven't got to spend any time with you since you have been training with Sif and taking lessons with my mother." Serena responded, "You have been training me too, Loki." Loki replies, "That's not enough for me. I want to spend more time with you-more intimate time." Serena looked at Loki and replied, "You can escort me to my chambers though." Loki had other things in his mind besides escorting Serena to her chamber. When they reached Serena's chambers. Serena turned to Loki and said, "Thank you for the escort. I'll see you tomorrow." Serena turned to leave but Loki grabbed her by her waist and replied, "I'm not ready to go just yet." Serena saw Loki's arm around her waist. Serena asked Loki. "What are you doing?" Loki gives Serena a wink and a mischievous smile and replied, "I told you, I'm not ready to leave just yet. I want to spend some time alone with you." Serena said, "Loki not tonight. I'm too tired." Loki answered, "I can fix that." Loki leaned over and kissed Serena passionately, oh those lips on hers it was pure ecstasy. Loki slipped his tongue inside Serena's mouth. Serena tried to push him away, but she couldn't, and she really didn't want to. Serena found herself kissing Loki back. Loki gently pushed Serena inside of her chambers and closed the door behind them. Loki never once broke the kiss.

Then Loki started to let his hands roam all over Serena's body. He put his hands on Serena's back rubbing it. Then put his hands on Serena's ass pulling her closer to his aching cock, Serena could feel just how hard his cock was and it made her a little bit nervous being that close to him. Somehow Serena found the strength to pull away from Loki. Serena said, "Oh Loki, we can't do this. It's not proper etiquette among the royal family. We can.....Loki kissed her before she had time to finish her sentence. Serena moaned into Loki's mouth. She came back to her senses and pulled away once again from Loki. This time she put her hands on Loki's chest to keep him within arm length. Said, "As I was saying, we can't do this right now. I think you need to go now before things get out of hand." Loki removed Serena's hands from his chest and pulled her back into his arms and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Loki tells Serena. "I don't do well with following "proper etiquette" when it comes to someone I love, as much as I love you." Then he kissed her again.    

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