Another Visit With The Queen

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Chapter 20

Loki left Serena to go to visit with his mother again but this time she wasn't in her chambers. Sonia had told Loki that his mother had gone to see the All Father. So, Loki headed for Odin's throne room. When he reached the golden doors that led into Odin's throne room, there were two Royal Guards on the outside. Loki indicated to the guards, "I'm Prince Loki, the crown Prince of Asgard and I wish to speak to my father, Odin the All Father, at once." The guards bowed before him and then let him enter the throne room's doors. When Loki went in he could see his mother talking to his father. When Frigga saw Loki approaching the throne, she got Odin's attention, "Odin, our son has arrived to see us." Odin said, "Then let him come before me." Frigga asked Loki, "My son, is there something wrong with Serena?" Loki answered, "No mother, she's fine. Getting better each day." Frigga asked, "Then what is it my son?" Loki told his mother and father what he and Serena talked about. Odin was the first to speak, "So, my son, you and Serena would like for me to break royal protocol because Serena is still too weak to stand or walk to the royal throne room? Is this correct?" Loki replied, "Yes, father. We are desperate to be together and start our courtship." Odin replied coldly, "I will consider it and let you know of my answer soon." Loki inquired, "Why must we wait, father? You know Serena and I care about each other." Odin said, "I must think upon this request, my son since it is an unusual one." Loki bowed before Odin, then left.

Frigga asked Odin, "Why must you tease him so? You know how they feel about each other. It won't hurt for you to do this request for him. After all, she is one of your Elite Guards." Odin replied, "But this request is so unusual and against royal protocol." Frigga commented, "But you ARE the All Father, and you can change the rules just this one time for them." Odin thought about it for a while before answering his queen. Loki went back to Serena's chambers to check on her. When he got there, he found Serena sitting in a chair looking outside her balcony at the beautiful royal gardens just below her room. She was also remembering that was the first place Loki had kissed her. Loki walked up behind Serena and put his hand on her shoulder, which startled her. Serena turns around and sees Loki standing there looking at her with loving eyes. Serena said, "Hi Loki." Loki looked at Serena and said, "Hi beautiful." Serena gave a shy smile.  Serena asked Loki, "What did your mother say?" Loki answered her, "She wasn't in her chambers but in father's throne room." Serena asked, "What did they say?" Loki looked into Serena's eyes and replied, "Mother was for it but father had some doubt because it goes against royal protocol." Serena commented, "That means he wouldn't do it." she said sadly. Loki remarked, "I don't think so. I think he just wants to make us sweat it out, at least that's what I hope he's doing." Serena said, "So do I."          

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