Loki Confronts Odin

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Chapter 31

Loki walked to Odin and comforted him about the way he was staring at Serena. Frigga saw Loki approaching them. She leans over to tell Odin, "Our son approaches and he's not in a good mood." Odin replied, "Yes, I see him." Frigga responded, "You know why he's coming, don't you, Odin?" Odin shook his head "yes." When Loki got to his father's table, he asked, "Why have you been staring at Serena that way all night long?" Odin replied, "It's because of what she's wearing. It's distasteful and inappropriate for the Royal Banquet and she should be thrown out." Loki had fire in his eyes. Loki then said, "I WAS the one who had the royal dressmaker to make the gowns according to WHAT I WANTED to see her in. So, if you have a problem with that gown or ANY other gown that she wears, then talk to me about it and stop staring at her like some common whore because she's NOT. She's the woman I love and plan on marrying." Frigga breaks in and asks, "Have you asked Serena yet, Loki? Loki answers his mother, "No not yet mother but I plan on asking her tonight." Frigga asked, "You mean here at the Banquet?" Loki was still staring at his father, but he answered his mother, "Yes, mother." Odin exclaimed, "Enough of this! What IF I refuse to marry the two of you, then what, my son?" Loki replied, "It won't change a thing father. I'll still be with her - married or not." Odin responded, "You know that it is forbidden to be with a woman or man without first being married and blessed by me." Loki answered his father, "Well, I guess you have no choice BUT to bless our marriage or be disgrace your own self since it will be your own son who will be doing it." Odin got quiet. Then finally said, "Fine! Have it your way Loki." Loki exclaimed, I WILL!" Then Loki left Odin's table.

Serena went over to Thor and Sif, who were standing by the Warriors Three, Sif turned and saw Serena standing there and asked, " Serena why aren't with Loki?" Serena replied, "Because I made the mistake of telling Loki that the All Father kept staring at me with disgust. I should have kept my mouth shut. Now he's over there talking to the All Father about me. I'm afraid for Loki." Sif said, "Why was the All Father staring at you like that?" Serena answered, "I guess it's because of the gown I chose for tonight." Sif responded, "What's wrong with it?" Serena answered, "I guess it's too revealing for the banquet." Sif said, "But Loki had the gowns made especially for you. It's what Loki wanted you to wear. So, the All Father shouldn't get mad at you because it wasn't you who had the gown designed, it was Loki because that's what he wanted to see you wear." Serena replied, "I can only imagine what they are saying to each other right now and I feel like it's all my fault." Sif responded, "It's not your fault at all. Like I said, Loki had those gowns made especially for you." Thor heard Sif and Serena's conversation. Thor spoke up, "Serena it's NOT your fault. I think you look absolutely stunning in the gown." Serena replied, "Thank you, Thor." Thor smiled at Serena. Just then Loki came over to Serena, Sif, and Thor. Serena asked, "Is everything ok?" Loki replied, "It will be. I don't want you to worry about anything, Serena." Suddenly Odin and Frigga appeared behind Loki. Odin cleared his throat to get Loki's attention. Loki slowly turned around and stared at his father. Loki asked Odin, "May I help you?" Odin answered, "Oh, Loki, let's not fight, my son." Loki just stared at Odin. Frigga breaks the silence between father and son, "My king, my son there is no need for this tension between you. Serena looks very beautiful and stunning. Loki picked out a fine gown for Serena. Plus, he did a great job of choosing what type of gowns that he wanted Serena to wear." Odin started to speak but Frigga cut him off in mid sentence. Odin started to say, "But it is dis,,,," Frigga said, "Serena's gown is very elegant and beautiful, and you my husband must be more accepting of the new styles of Asgard. It's not the same as it was when I first became your queen. Styles have changed my husband and you must learn to change too." Odin replied, "I guess you are right, my queen as usual. Forgive me Serena for staring at you the way I did. It was uncalled for and I'm sorry. Serena bowed before Odin and said, "Of course, your highness." Odin looked at Loki and asked, "I'm sorry, my son. Can you forgive an old man for not knowing of the new styles in gowns?" Loki looked at Odin and replied, "Yes father." Serena felt better now that everything was as it should be between father and son.

Odin asks Loki, "My son, isn't there something that you want to ask Serena?" Serena looked surprised and she asked Loki, "What do you have to ask me?" Loki took Serena by the hand and led her up to Odin's throne then addressed the guests. Loki said, "May I have your attention, please. There is something I have to say." All of the guests got quiet. Loki then proceeded, "I have decided to take a bride, your new princess." Serena felt her cheeks got red because she knew what Loki was going to say. Loki continues. "You all know Serena as one of your Elite Guards but that will no longer be her title." Loki turned to look at Serena, who was nervous. Loki took Serena's hands into his and then he asked Serena, "Serena, my beloved. Will you do the honor of being my wife and future princess of Asgard?" Serena was shocked that he actually asked her in front of everyone. Of course, Serena loved him and wanted to be his wife, but she was taken aback by the question. As Loki waited for her response, she gathered her nerve and answered him, "Prince Loki, I would be honored to be your wife and future princess." Loki had a huge smile on his face. All of the guests cheered and applauded for the announcement of the engagement of Prince Loki to Serena. As the guests cheered, Loki bent over and kissed Serena. 

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