your hero

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Bucky • You were walking home, drunk. The morning was just beginning so it was still dark. A hooded man approached you and as you carelessly leaned to his side of the sidewalk, he grabbed you by the elbows and took hold of your purse. Although you were only half aware of what was going on, you fought for it back. He pushed you hard, but you did not feel yourself hit the ground. Someone slowly sets you on the concrete and then punched your attacker as they takes back your purse. You tried to focus on your hero's hand, but you were seeing double. "You gotta take care of yourself, miss," his deep voice rumbled in your ear as he picked you up.

You felt him walk up a short flight of stairs before blacking out. The next morning, you were laying on a sofa in a large, white shirt that wasn't your own. A man with wavy brown hair and blue eyes carried breakfast on a platter from the kitchen and set it on the coffee table. "Sorry; I tried not changing you out of your clothes, but you kind of vomited all over your top." You recognize his voice from last night. "It kind of got all over me too," he added. "Don't worry about it."

You blush and sit up as you look hungrily at the food he made for you. He sat next to you and grabbed a piece of bread. "I'm Bucky, what's your name?"

Steve • You sat alone at one of the tables at your 10-year high school reunion. You grumbled to yourself as to why you let your "friend" talk you into going to a place full of people you had hoped to never see again. Your friend was currently talking it up with three other boys at a different table and it felt like high school all over again. You watched one approach you and he began to drop the cheesiest pick up lines. You asked for him to stop bothering you but he persisted. He inched closer to you and you could smell a little bit of alcohol in his breath. He laughed as he talked about you in a way that made you uncomfortable. You looked over to your friend and she shrugged you with her shoulder. You rolled your eyes and as you scooted your chair back to leave, he grabbed your seat and commanded you to sit. A tall, blond man in an army suit came and tapped him on the shoulder. "She obviously doesn't want your company, so do everyone a favor and take your drunk ass out of here," he ordered.

The man obliged and sulked back to your friend's table. "Are you alright?" the army man asked.

You nodded and thanked him for what he did and his service to the country. He smiled and chuckled. "Do you really not remember me, y/n?" You looked into his blue eyes. They seemed familiar, but then again, you had tons of friends with the same eyes. "It's me, Steve Rogers!"

You looked at him again and found a distinct twinkle. This was definitely not the skinny Steve Rogers from science class who was always getting bullied after school. There was one occasion where he had saved you from a situation not quite different from the one he had just gotten you out of. You remember being acquaintances with him but could not create a friendship because of your friend. "Steve, you look so different! In a good way," you laughed nervously, realizing how attractive he had gotten.

"That's good to hear from someone who I had liked so much before."

You blushed and it seemed to transfer to Steve's cheeks. "Thanks for saving me, again."

"Anything for my girl."

Bruce • Your papers fell all over the floor as you sneezed. You groaned and reached for a tissue from your back pocket. As you blew your nose, a familiar face began picking up your papers. "Really, there's no need," you began, but you sneezed again and cursed the beginnings of your flu.

He stood up and adjusted his glasses as he gave you a pitiful smile. "Are you alright today, y/n? You seem to be a little under the weather."

That's right. It was the new teacher down the hall who taught biogenetics down the hall. He was the new eye candy with his baby face and curly brown hair. "I'm exactly that, Mr. Banner. In fact, my whole day isn't going well at all. I've got a lab to teach in a couple of minutes and I have no substitute for my class." You sniffled.

"Well, I've got planning period right now, but I can fill in for you," he offered as he began to walk to your classroom.

You jogged up to his side. "Oh no, there's no need for that. Plus, it's one of the hardest materials for nuclear physics. I definitely cannot check out for that."

"Well, it's your lucky day," Banner grinned. "I studied and taught nuclear physics at the university I used to teach at."

Your heart ran as you heaved a huge sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Mr. Banner-"

"Please, just Bruce. I hope you feel better soon! Maybe we can get some soup from the cafeteria when you get back," he joked and smiled again as he entered your classroom and waved goodbye.

Your cheeks went warm and you lied to yourself that it was all from the fever.

Pietro • Your runner for the track meet still hasn't showed and it's five minutes before his event. You're beginning to lose all sanity as you bombard his phone with angry texts and missed calls. If he doesn't show, your chance of coaching at the level of Olympics will become zero. You and your runner had been working hard at this for a few years now so it's humiliating for him to not show at this important event. A silver haired man was stretching where your runner was supposed to be. You hurried over to him. "Excuse me, this is my runner's spot. You can't prep here, the race is about to start."

"You are y/n, yes?" He said with a distinct accent.

You looked confused, mainly on how a good looking person would know who you are without knowing them first. "Yes, and you are?"

"Ah, I am Pietro. Your runner, he asked me to fill in for him. He got in a little accident and he knew this was important to you."

The speakers blasted the name of event, indicating that it was about to start. You had no choice but to let Pietro run. You stood at the sidelines and before the smoke left the gun, Pietro winked at you. In a blink of an eye, he had won you the gold medal and the coaching position you had wanted. He gave you a sweaty hug but he still miraculously smelled good. "We should go out to dinner to celebrate!" Pietro beamed. "Name a place and it's on me."

"A blind date at my favorite restaurant? Why not?" You grinned, shaking your head.


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luv b

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