PART 2: Thor x Lauren

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The city that had been lifted was now hundreds of feet above where it used to be. Thor swiftly placed you on the ground. "You have to bring me up there with you!" Lauren yelled. "I can help!"

A woman screamed and the two of them looked up to see her in a car falling through the sky. Another car was also falling, with two men inside. "Keep the people safe. I will be back, my lady."

He kissed her and swung his hammer to go help the people. Lauren ran as the woman's car came at her direction. She escorted the townspeople farther into the woods for shelter. "There's gotta be a way to get up there," Lauren muttered.

She switched channels on her comm earpiece. "Rhodey, can you pick me up please?"

A little static came through before she heard his laugh. "You're going to defy a god?"

"I'm trying to help my team."

"I'm on my way."

Lauren could only sit and watch the city rise higher as she waited. Finally, Rhodey swooped in and flew up to the city with Lauren in his arms. "Thanks!" She shouted over the chaos.

"Be careful out there," Rhodey looked at her with concern before flying off.

After kicking ass out of the army of Ultron robots, Thor brought his hammer down; but not before Lauren could safely jump onto a SHIELD hovercraft. She fell with the remains of the city around her and Thor's image became bigger as he fell closer. Thor took in most of the impact but Lauren was knocked unconscious as the waters filled her lungs.


Sunlight would have flooded into Lauren's eyes if it hadn't been for Thor's sleepy head blocking the view of the window. He had rested his arm on Lauren's bed with his knuckles in his cheek. His mouth was slightly open as light snores escaped it. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt and jogging pants. She moved her right hand until it continually tapped his arm, waking him up. Thor brushed aside the stray hairs from her face. "You are finally awake, my Lady."

"How long was I-"

"Three days without seeing your bright, beautiful eyes."

Lauren looked around the room as Thor began to ask, "Do you remember what happened? The physicians had said that it was possible you would forget such a traumatic event."

Lauren shook her head ever so slightly. "No, I remember," she whispered. "And I'm sorry."

His fingers combed through his hair before he gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Do not worry, love, but you should get adequate sleep to fully recover quickly."

The next day, Lauren was released from the hospital, walking. Stark was waiting for them at the front with his car. "Hey kiddo," he kissed her cheek.

The three of them got in the car and they drove onto the highway. "Where are we going?" Lauren questioned.

"It's a surprise," was the only response Tony gave away.

The language on the signs was another giveaway. "Are we in France? I thought we were in a SHIELD hospital."

"We were, just not in America."

The trees cleared and in the distance was the Eiffel Tower. "Beautiful," Thor mumbled.

Soon, Tony dropped them off a few streets away from the tower. "I'm going to pick up Pepper from the airport and then we'll meet at the hotel," he spoke to Thor and pointed at Lauren. "I want her home by 10!"

Lauren stuck her tongue out as Tony drove away. Thor took her hand in his. "Shall we?"

They dined in the Eiffel Tower's restaurant, overlooking the whole city. Its bright lights created a magical ambience with the candlelight. Lauren and Thor talked over their expensive meals and red wine. As they munched on beignets for dessert, Thor lowered his voice. "Why did you go up to the city?"

Lauren swallowed. "I wanted to help like I said I could and I did. It just so happened that a little, incident, came up but-"

"But it didn't work out in your favor," Thor murmured angrily. "I told you to stay and help the citizens."

"I was fine. It was just a miscalculation-"

"That could have taken your life. That could have taken you away from me."

The two of them fell silent. "I'm sorry," Lauren apologized.

Thor exhaled deeply then his face softened. "I should not raise my voice at my lady."

"You had every right. I was being dumb."

"It is one of your flaws," Thor chuckled as Lauren gave him a glance, "But I love you anyway."

After paying the check, they continued on to the tower's observatory. The lights were even brighter now and they reflected in Thor's blue eyes. He caught Lauren looking at him and he smiled, kissing her softly. His arms wrapped around her and with Lauren's hand pressed against his chest, they french kissed. "You know," Lauren breathed, "They call Paris 'the city of love.'"

"I do not need a city to tell me that I am already in love." He reached into his pocket. "Likewise, I do not dare waste a second more to tell it."

In his hand was a small black box. "This was molded by a friend who is a blacksmith in Asgard. I had originally made it a crown, but Stark had said that rings are more suitable for this occasion."

He opened it and inside was a golden ring that encircled a tiny diamond as bright as the city lights. Lauren tucked a hair behind her ear as her face was filled with shock. Thor gave her a peck on the lips again. "My lady Lauren, I wanted you to stay because I wanted you to live. I wanted you safe in my arms when I would have returned from battle. Understand I do not underestimate you as a woman. You are incredible in every way imaginable. I would believe Lady Sif herself would proclaim you as a fellow warrior." He knelt on one knee. "And if you would have me, I surrender to you as your husband. Will you take my hand in marriage?"

Lauren took his face in her hands and kissed him longingly. "Thor, I would love to have you as my beloved."

His smiled reached from ear to ear as he slipped on the ring on Lauren's left ring finger. His lips crashed onto hers as they sneaked in small laughs and grins in between their smooches. Everyone around them clapped and Thor blushed as he took you into another smother of kisses. Thor kissed Lauren's hand and she looked at the ring, remembering the Paris lights to be later reflected as a longing memory.


Thank you everyone for reading!

luv b

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