IMAGINE: Thor x Lauren

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- Requested by the lovely Glamour_Beauty16 -

The persistent knocking Lauren had been shrugging off all morning had woken her up once more. She rolled over and blinked the sleep out of her eyes. "Lauren, are you awake yet? I've been here for a good ten minutes?" A muffled voice of a woman was on the other side of the door.

Lauren cursed to herself when she looked over to the clock and found that she was late for an important morning meeting. "Yeah, Natasha, I'm almost done with getting ready!"

"Okay, liar," Lauren heard her laugh. "Come up in ten minutes!"

Ever since she had been recruited by SHIELD for being a person with unique powers, life has been a nonstop ride. Using her abilities to control the mind, weather and elements, she had accomplished missions with others just like her. She strapped on her favorite combat boots and exited her room to the elevator down the hall. Halfway on the elevator trip, Clint stepped in. "You too?" Lauren yawned.

"Hard morning," Clint grinned. "At least Natasha doesn't kick down your door while you're still asleep.. naked."

Lauren guffawed and punched him in the arm. "You're ridiculous."

They trooped into the conference room and found everyone there. Clint took the seat next to Fury. Lauren took a seat between a blond, muscular man and Natasha. Across from Lauren was a man dressed in a sort of armor, with long, blond hair and a chiseled face. He looked like a god.. and it was then Lauren realized she had been staring for too long. He didn't seem to have a problem with it because he had been staring back as well, with a silly grin on his face. Clint intruded their daydreaming. "Lauren, will you please stand up?"

Lauren blushed as she stood. "This is Lauren," Clint continued. "She's one of our best enhanced agents and the best tour guide. She'll show you around. That's all we have for now. If you have any questions about the Avengers, you can talk to me, Natasha or Fury."Lauren walked out the door first and signaled everyone to follow her. "Let's start at the bottom and work our way to the marvelous view at the top."

Thor couldn't keep his eyes off Lauren. At the moment she had walked in the room with Clint, he could not remove his gaze from her beautiful face. It was his first time on Earth and it was then he believed that the planet was graced with an angel that walked its lands. When they had reached the top, Lauren said that there would be a welcome dinner around 7 in the great hall. She began to walk away and Thor followed her. Lauren turned as she stepped into the elevator. "Oh, hello," she turned a bright shade of red.

It was just the two of them. "So, you are what they call 'enhanced'? Is your power the ability to make men weak at the knees?"

Lauren's eyes widened and fiddled through the files Clint had given her on a clipboard. "No, I'm afraid not."

"Then it is a talent that has been bestowed upon you. I am Thor, son of-"

"Odin, God of Thunder, I know. I was looking at your file while I was giving the tour. Is Asgard a beautiful place?"

The elevator dinged and the doors opened, but neither of them moved. "The most beautiful land. It would be more beautiful if you were sitting on its throne." Thor cleared his throat and gave a slight bow. "I apologize if I am being too forward, but every beautiful thing must be appreciated as they are."

Lauren stepped out of the elevator and gave him a gratuitous smile. "Thank you for the flattery, Thor. I will be seeing you later tonight. Save me a seat?"

"And a dance for my lady," Thor smiled back as the elevator doors closed between them.


Lauren was tapping her fingers impatiently on the table. She stood up and paced to help her relax a bit more. Before the mission against Loki, Thor courted her and they talked of Asgard, Earth and each other's lives. There were a few times when they were able to have some time together on the helicarrier before Loki trapped him in his cell and the Avengers were separated. After that, there was little update given to her with everyone rushing about. She kept her mind occupied with busy work in her room on the helicarrier but it had become too much: she had to know if everyone was safe, if Thor was safe. Lauren turned around to see Maria Hill open the door. "Thor?" Lauren asked.

Maria nodded and beckoned for her to follow her outside. They saw Natasha, Barton, Stark, and Banner helping each other to the medic's and Maria joined them. When Lauren walked out to the surface, Thor was walking alongside Captain America. Steve nodded at her and Thor picked her up in a big, strong hug. "It is good to see your face after a hefty battle," Thor sighed in relief.

"Trust me, it's good to see you alive after not knowing what was happening out there."

He gently put her down and stepped nearer to her. Thor held back the hair that the wind had pushed to her face and cupped her face in his big hands. A thousand gentle kisses on Lauren's lips intoxicated her. Thor kissed her harder and Lauren wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed as if there was still a space to close between them. Thor kissed her forehead and asked her to be something that was a Midguardian term. "Erm, is that wife in your language?" Lauren asked in a naive and confused tone.

Thor's laugh rumbled. "As much as I would like that, I would like you to first be my 'girlfriend' as you call it here on Earth."

"Oh okay, good," Lauren hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "I don't think I'm ready for that just yet."

"Together, my Lady Lauren, we can conquer anything."


thanks for the reads and votes.

luv b

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