special hideout

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Bucky • The rooftop of Bucky's apartment building overlooked the whole city. You two liked to swing your legs over the edge and contemplate life. It was the only times Bucky ever showed his deep and emotional side. He would put an arm around you to keep the cold wind from making you shiver. 

Steve • In Brooklyn is an old warehouse that has been turned into a boxing club. There is a secret room upstairs with an extremely old phonograph next to a box overflowing with records. When it closes, the two of you sneak in and lay on a blanket where the moon shines through the cracked window. You rest on his shoulder as both of you listen to the music echo in the empty warehouse.

Bruce • Surprisingly, your hideout was not somewhere peaceful. Instead, it was during the busy and crowded nightlife downtown. It was as crowded as Times Square in New York City. In the middle of it all sat you and Bruce on a lone bench, people watching and wondering what it would be like to be someone else, what form people's own monsters took.

Pietro • It had always been the school's field that had been abandoned down the street from Stark Tower. He would take a few laps before sitting next to you on the cracked track. Pietro never fully indulged into his worries except here, as if the forsaken field meant he could abandon his troubles here too.

Tony • Deep in the city was a shelter for the homeless. The two of you would show up in raggedy clothing incognito. You and Tony helped the homeless by talking with them, learning their stories, and giving each individual what they needed; whether it was food, money or simply a shoulder to lean on. It was originally Tony's lonely refuge from his billionaire playboy image because they reminded him what struggle truly is like.


Sorry I didn't include Clint in this one. He's hard to write for.

Thank you for all the votes and reads! I appreciate it very much.

luv b

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