IMAGINE: Pietro x Rose

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"Thank you for the little date, Pietro, even though it was entirely last minute," Rose laughed. "I mean, you gotta give me a time to prepare next time!"

Pietro shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "You look good always and you should always be ready."

They looked out the window and watched the rain slowly fall faster. Rose stood up and grabbed her light sweater. "I better get home before it rains any harder. I'm going to go to the restroom first."

Pietro nodded and accompanied her to the restroom before going outside to hail a cab. When Rose walked out, Pietro came back in, soaking wet. The rain had begun to fall harder and Pietro moved his hair away from his face. "It is wet there, no? I try and get a cab but no one paid attention."

Rose put on a sly smile and grabbed Pietro's hand. "What are you doing?" he asked.

She pushed open the door and instantly felt the cold raindrops hit her face as Pietro stuck his other hand out for a cab again. Suddenly, Rose turned and gave Pietro a quick kiss. His whole body froze, his arm still sticking up at the side. Rose cupped his face and led the series of kisses on Pietro's cold and wet lips. For Pietro, everything seemed to have slowed down for the first time. The two were absolutely soaking wet by the time a cab rolled up and honked Rose and Pietro out of their dream state. Pietro's cheeks flushed red. "I was not ready for that."

Pietro rushed to open the side door for Rose. She winked as she slipped into the cab. "You should always be ready."

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