just friends

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Bucky • He loved taking you out to dance with the gang. He always became a hugger when he was drunk so when you would slow dance, he would pull you in closer than most friends would. This would be where you would begin to feel those feelings again and right before you tell him if he feels the same, the song would end and the two of you would reunite with the others to continue dancing the night away.

Steve • Visiting the town's museums and art galleries were one of Steve's favorite times with you. After visiting exhibits, the two of you would end up walking around town and you would always dare him into doing something out of his comfort zone, such as chasing birds around or dancing horribly as you wait for the pedestrian signal. You were always trying to get him out of his macho man bubble and although it sometimes took a little persuasion, you always got to see the little kid Steve really is like. At the end of the day, he would bring you home and kiss you goodbye on the cheek.

Bruce • You always hung out with him at simple, stress free environments such as the beach or a hiking trail. Usually though, he enjoyed hanging out with you the most at his or your place, where the two of you could sit together on the couch with the TV playing in the background as you talk about your lives. It would always end with him caressing your hair as you snoozed into his arms. Sometimes, you would have dreams of him kissing you on your forehead, but there have been a few instances where you were sure it wasn't. It wasn't a bad thing. In fact, you would snuggle closer and he would hold you tighter.

Pietro • Every day, you and Pietro would go for a sunset run on different trails, sometimes deciding to just get lost and run. But as the sun set, you two would find a clearing or the highest point and sit close together as you catch your breath. Sometimes you would have deep little talks, but right before the sun vanishes, you both keep an understanding silence that spoke more than what you could say to each other.


Hey everyone! I've got a little contest:

If someone can make me a new book cover with Bucky, Steve, Pietro and Bruce on it, that'd be AWESOME. I made my current one in a rush and I usually make my own stuff but I want to try something new and use someone else's for a change.

SO, if you wanna send me a PM or DM me on twitter (@RUNPIETRO) that'd be super awesome. Once I get entries, I'll choose the best.

The contest ends in two weeks or whenever I get enough submissions. I'll keep you all updated.

Thank you everyone!! Leave your requests in the comments.

luv b

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