IMAGINE: Steve x Cindy

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Steve sat on the curb outside of his apartment that he shared with his girlfriend. He watched the sun kiss the rooftops across the street. He had gone for a late afternoon jog because he had not had the time to do his routine morning run due to the work stress from SHIELD. Cindy's car was parked in the driveway by the time he got back and he expected her to be cooking his favorite meal for their Friday dinner dates. Once he caught his breath, Steve unlocked the front door and was welcomed by the sound of laughter in the living room. He found a man hugging Cindy in the middle of the room and Steve instantly felt infuriated. "Cindy, who is he?"

"Whoa, dude, chill," the man said, putting his hands up.

"Get out of here," Steve pointed at the door.

"Steve! Calm down," Cindy approached him, "He's my brother."

Steve closely inspected his face this time and saw that he had the same eyes and facial structure as Cindy. He turned red in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry," he murmured.

"It's okay," Cindy's brother held out his hand. "It can't be easy to be Captain America especially when you've got an extra load of trouble on your hands," he says as he looks over at Cindy who just rolled her eyes.

"Steve," he shook his hand.

"Joseph Torres," he nodded. "I was just in town and decided to drop by and visit family."

"Oh, Joseph, right! The famous lawyer," Steve smiled.

Cindy and Steve walked Joseph to the door. "Well it was nice meeting you. It's good to know someone like you is keeping my sister well and safe."

Steve shook his hand again. "And I'm sorry for that outburst. It really was nice meeting you."

Cindy gave Joseph another hug goodbye and watched him drive off. She walked back into the house and Steve caught her hand. "Hey, I'm sorry about that earlier-"
"It's okay. I know work has been stressing you out," she led him to the couch. "I can tell by your sleeping patterns."


"You don't have any."

He sat down on the couch and Cindy sat next to him, massaging his tense shoulders. Steve sighed as his body was relieved by Cindy's touch. He slowly dropped down to Cindy's lap and laid his head there as she massaged his back. She played with his hair and kissed him. "Your brother's not bad looking," Steve complimented.

"Steve Rogers," Cindy huffed, "were you checking out my brother?"

He took her hand and kissed it. "Hey, I'm just saying, now I know the Torres are one hell of a beauty. But I'm pretty sure you're the most beautiful of them all."

Cindy kissed him again. "Now, are we going to have our date or not? I may be beautiful, but I know you'll find your favorite dish that's waiting for you more attractive!"

Already feeling less stressful, Steve grinned and picked her up, Cindy yelling and laughing as they headed over to the dining room for their Friday dinner date.

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