IMAGINE: Pietro x Sierra

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Sierra skipped into Bruce's lab. Pietro was sitting on Bruce's lab bench as Bruce patched his shoulder with a wrap for his injury. "Sierra," Bruce greeted.

She took in a quick look at a shirtless Pietro then batted her eyelashes at Bruce. "Doctor, do you have time to make me feel better?"

Bruce shook his head with a bashful grin as he finished taping the wrap on Pietro's arm. He grabbed a few manila folders from his desk and handed it to Sierra. "I would feel better when you get these to Stark as soon as possible."

"Tony Stark?" Pietro blurted.

Bruce was confused at Pietro's outburst. Sierra took the folders and headed for the door but was joined by Pietro, who was slipping on a tank top. "I will go with you," he said, defensively.

"Just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I need to be escorted everywhere," Sierra gave him a cold shoulder.

"Not like that."

Steve was walking toward the two of them. "Maximoff." Steve cleared his throat. "Sierra. Where are you two off to?"

"On a mission, Captain," Sierra winked. "I hope you've been icing those bruises on your neck from last night, Steve."

Steve blushed feverishly and Pietro was sure of an awkward exchange of chemistry between Sierra and Steve. "Be on your way, agents," Steve mumbled as he briskly walked away.

Pietro couldn't believe Sierra had gone off and kissed Steve Rogers at the party last night! Did he have no chance with her? They walked into Stark's office where they found him soldering his suit. There were grease marks on his face and Sierra wiped them away with her fingers. She slid her hand along Tony's shirt to wipe off the grease but to Pietro, he was angered at the fact that she was also using it as a gesture of flirtation. Tony only smiled. "Sierra, thank you for the papers. You looked lovely last night, by the way."

"I know," Sierra talked into his ear.

Tony glanced over at Pietro who was fuming red. He waved and Pietro tugged Sierra away. "Come. We have mission," his voice barely hiding his jealousy.

Sierra shrugged and they were met by Thor out in the hallway, smiling at Sierra. "Lady-"

"No!" Pietro said the word a little too forceful. "We are busy. You can talk to her later."

Pietro led Sierra to a nearby supply room. Sierra crossed her arms. "What do you want, Pietro?"

"You kissed Steve?"

Sierra was aghast. "No, I did not! Some agent did last night on a dare." She laughed. "It was the most hilarious dare. Steve looked like a tomato!"

"Why do you flirt with everyone?" Pietro questioned.

Sierra shrugged. "It's fun. They all know it means nothing." She looked at Pietro, who had realized how many conclusions he had jumped to. "Oh, Pietro, are you jealous?"

His answer was crushed between their lips. It got hot and heavy real fast. "I've gotta admit," Sierra breathed, "I was jealous when you showed up with Natasha as your date."

Pietro kissed her neck. "She was not the date I wanted."

He began to unbutton the tight skinny jeans she had on. Sierra giggled, "Are we really going to do this here?"

"Do you want to walk out naked?"

In a flash, all but her undergarments were gone. "That was the weirdest yet sexiest way to undress me."

Pietro picked her up and put her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his torso and he felt her wet core through her underwear as he pushed his member against it. "How long," Sierra panted, "have you been wanting?"

"Too long," Pietro took off his shirt.

Sierra moaned at his low growl of a response. His pants fell and his underwear followed along with Sierra's. He gripped her thighs as he slowly entered her, leaving Sierra to groan loudly into his ear. Her groan echoed in the room and into the vent above them, causing Sierra to quickly cover her mouth. "Fuck, I forgot about the vents," Pietro whispered.

"I love it when you curse," Sierra whispered back.

He moved in and out of her as she bit her lip and raked her fingernails into his back. Pietro accidentally let out his own loud moan as Sierra got tighter. Forgetting about the vents, Sierra said out loud, "I'm gonna-"

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion outside the door and Pietro and Sierra shivered in their orgasms as they tried to keep quiet at the same time. Pietro pressed himself against Sierra as they both listened until the voices were gone. He set her down and kissed her all over her body before helping her get dressed. "That was amazingly sneaky," Sierra slipped on her black t-shirt. "What if we got caught?"

Pietro slipped on his belt. "It's good I am fast, no?"

"I should get you jealous more often," Sierra kissed his cheek.


If I promised you an imagine, it will be up soon!

luv b

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