IMAGINE: Steve x Laurryn

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- requested by the lovely QUEEN_OF_FANGIRLS86 -

Three bullets found your invisible body. Your eyes widened as you felt pain zip up your whole back and you leaned over the edge of the building. Steve's eyes locked with yours as you began to fall. "Laurryn!"

He grabbed you just in time for his shield to save you from the ground impact. You laid limp in Steve's arms and Banner ran out from the undercover SHIELD van across the street. "Natasha has the situation under control up top. What happened?"

"I'm not sure. She was using her powers, I couldn't see her and then I turned around-" Steve's voice cracked.

Clint quickly took your vitals and then turned you, seeing the blood oozing out of your wounds and onto Steve's hands. "We have to get her to Tony's lab now. It's closer than headquarters."

Rushing you into the van, Clint placed you on a stretcher on the floor as Steve sat next to you and held your hand. Incoming SHIELD cars came as backup for Natasha and although Steve was relieved that another Hydra mission was successful, he was still deeply worried about you. As your breathing slowed, his heart raced at the thought of losing you. "You guys doin' okay, Cap?" Clint hollered from the driver's seat.

"Yeah," Steve mumbled.The two men carried you into the Stark tower and medics got started on your recovery right away. Tony brought two drinks to Steve who was waiting in the main living room. "How is she?" Steve stood up.

"Have a drink first," Tony passed Steve a glass.

The two sat down and clinked glasses. Tony startled Steve, who was deep in thought. "You gotta let Laurryn know soon, kid."

"Know what?"

"That you got a soft spot for her."

"I wasn't even sure whether or not I.."

"Until now," Tony drank, "Not until she got into a coma."

"A coma?" Steve exclaimed. "I need to see her."

"Third door on the left."


Steve brought your favorite flowers. He replaced the ones on your table from a few days ago with the flowers he had with him. That day he did not scoot the chair in the room closer to your bedside. He did not stand up after a half hour of talking about his day. That day, he sat on your bed, took your pale hand in his and simply cried. He placed his lips on your fingers and his tears slipped onto them. Wiping his eyes, he tried to steady his breathing. "Laurryn, Laurryn, Laurryn," he chuckled, sadly. "Do you remember when I absolutely ridiculed you for being late on the first day of training? Especially since you were an enhanced to go on the field. And I gave you a hell of a first week."

He paused and looked at your face before continuing. "I remember you said that since you thought I didn't want you there then you might as well leave." Steve's eyes watered again. "God, Laurryn, I'm glad you didn't leave. You didn't leave SHIELD, you didn't leave the team, you didn't leave.. me."

He lightly kissed you on the lips. "And I don't want you to leave now either, Laurryn. Please stay. Let me tell you the things I wasn't able to; how much I love you. You're spectacular in every way even if you did like to push my buttons. Shit, I even miss your pranks where you'd shapeshift into things to scare me!" He laughed, but then buried his face into his hands to keep the tears in.

The heart rate monitor beeped heftily and steadily. "What else were you not able to say?" you slowly mouthed out with a raspy voice that was just above a whisper.

"Laurryn!" Steve gasped.

He hovered over you and kissed you once more. Every little peck gave you life but at the same time left you breathless. He moved away just enough to look into your eyes. "Laurryn, be mine, be my girlfriend?"

You laughed weakly and nodded. "I'm never leaving you, Steve."

"And I'll always be by your side."


Hello, hello!

I can't believe this book has exploded in less than a week! Thank you so much!

Requests are still open.

Preference ideas are welcome!

ALSO, please!! If you're any good (or bad!) at making book covers, I'd like to see what you can do for my book. I made mine in a rush and I'm too lazy to make an actual legit one like I would usually do. Plus I want to spread your talents with others so PLEASE if you would like to make me a cover, go ahead!

PM or DM on Twitter (@RUNPIETRO).

luv b

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