IMAGINE: Bucky x Deby

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You were asleep in one of the sleeping quarters at the Avengers Tower. Everyone had left to go on a mission and you were not called in because you had just finished one a few days ago with Bucky and Falcon. It had been a close call, you almost died saving Bucky's ass, again. But it had been different...

"Go!" Bucky yelled. "I'll hold them off."

"You can't do it alone!" you screamed back.

He pushed you in the direction where Falcon was retreating. "I'm okay-"

"No, you're not!"

"Deby, you're injured, and I don't want to see you get hurt any further."

"Well I don't want to see you get hurt, period."

"Please Deby, I love-"

"You," you had said it at the same time as he did. You took the grenade from the back of his belt and threw it at the bursting door of Hydra agents. Falcon had come back to pocket the information you had been sent to retrieve and dragged a howling Bucky away. The grenade couldn't keep stray bullets from hitting Bucky right where his skin and the metal on it connected and along his chest. You knew he would be okay after some time, but no serum could keep you from feeling worry and pain as you watched him writhe in your arms on the way home, thinking about the three little words that had slipped out.

A metallic knock came from the other side of the door. You swaddled yourself in your blanket as Bucky popped his head in the room. His hair was growing long again and through his white tank, you could see the stitches on his chest were already healed. You watched the rest of his body enter the room and sit next to you on your bed. "Hello," he broke the silence.

"I wish I could heal as fast as you. I haven't been able to sleep on my side for too long. And they hit my favorite side, too," you sarcastically complained.

Bucky shifted his body to face you. "If you went with Falcon like I told you to, it could have been stitched up before it got worse."

"If I obeyed, you would have been a goner, so you're welcome. I finished the mission."

"I'm sorry I let it slip." Bucky lowered his voice. You gave him a confused look and he sighed. "It's some sort of unspoken rule to not let your personal feelings interfere with the right thing to do while out on the field."

It was about those three words again. You sat up and pulled the blanket closer to you. After a while, he nodded at your arm. "Can I see it?"

You were wearing a long sleeve shirt and a roll of the sleeve wouldn't be enough to show your wound. Bucky seemed to understand this as his fingers toyed with the end of your shirt. He slowly pulled it up and you helped him. He glanced at your silk black bra for one second before grazing his finger against your bullet injury. You winced, the air that escaped your lips blew against his ear. He was terribly close. As if on instinct, you kissed the spot where a bullet had bounced against his metal arm. Before you had time to react to your courageous deed, he commanded you to lay down, to which you quickly obeyed. Bucky eyed your breasts longer this time and he returned the kiss on your wound. He left a trail of kisses from your arm to your neck and finally on your lips. The scene of his confession replayed in your head and he repeated the same words as he did before.

"Deby, I love-"

"You," you finished, strongly kissing him.

You slipped his shirt off and you could feel him hard against your leg. You bit his bottom lip and he groaned in response, making you grab his bulge. He took your hand away when you started unbuttoning his pants and began to take off yours. Your underwear slid off with your pants and Bucky unclasped your bra as he kissed your collarbones. Bucky made his way down to your core, licking your bundle of nerves. A ripple of ecstasy flowed through your body, making Bucky groan as he watched you squirm against him. He slid a finger of metal inside you and licked your clit. You moaned as he curled his finger and as your moans got louder, he stopped.

"Bucky," you complained.

"I can't wait anymore," he disgruntledly let loose of his throbbing member.

He was inside you then, and both of you moaned loudly. Using his metal arm for support against your bed, he sloppily kissed you as he thrusted harder and faster. "I'm going to come," you said, breathlessly.

"I can feel you," Bucky's words leaving his mouths in short breaths against your ear.

Your orgasm sent him on a release. He hovered over your body as the two of you came down from climax. He kissed you softly and laid next to you. You leaned on your uninjured side and laid a hand on his stitches.

Bucky kissed your forehead. "It's my mission to keep you safe, Deby, because I love you."

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