Author's Note

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So, I'm officially on summer break! I've got three months before I head off to my first year of college so as I await the new chapter of my life to begin, I'm ready to write as many imagines you all yearn for! I've been getting a few more requests lately, so here's a form I would like you to fill out so I can write you one right away:



Story Idea: (if you're not sure, I can make one up for you)

Smut: Y/N

You can PM or comment your requests. Also, preference ideas are always welcome; they easily run out and sometimes I can be very uncreative. I'm excited to see how far this book will come in the next few months because it has already gone so far in just less than a month which I can't thank you guys enough for. Keep the love coming! Thank you!

luv b

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