his nightmares

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BuckyHe watched you leave. Over and over again. He couldn't get up. He couldn't open his mouth. And you left. You left him alone.

Bucky jolted out of his nightmare. You continued to sleep soundly on his chest, lightly holding on to his left hand on his stomach. He sighed in relief to find you still there. Looking at the time, he shook you gently until you woke. You adjusted your head as he asked, "Don't you have a friend's party to go to? It's 7 already."

"I don't want to leave you. This party of two is all I need," you hugged him around the waist.

He kissed the top of your head and he drew circles on your back with his fingertips, smiling as he nodded off once more.

Bruce"You're a monster," you cried out at him. "Don't touch me!"

Bruce tried to grab your hand to pull you back to him, but his fingers seemed to just pass through you. It was then that he saw his hands were big and green. He was ugly. He was a monster-

You grabbed his wrist and he woke. A flash of green passed through his brown eyes and he yanked his hand away. Facing him, you sat with your legs crossed on one side of the bed.

"I'm sorry," Bruce whimpered.

He crawled over and laid his head in your open arms, his body rested across your lap and the bed. The two of you stayed in that position for a while. He cleared his throat. "Do you think I'm a mon.. a monst.."

"We all have a monster inside of us, but it doesn't mean we are one." You kissed his forehead.

"I won't ever let the other guy hurt you. I'll always protect you."

"I know. And I, you."

PietroHe was too slow. Someone else had taken your heart away. He wasn't fast enough. If only he was quicker at saying the words he meant to say...

His grip around your waist went tighter. It woke you so you took his hand and squeezed it. "Pietro," you mumbled, "You're having that dream again."

He lessened the pressure and laid on top of you, lazily kissing your cheek. "Y/n, I love you. You know I love you, right? I'm sorry I don't say it enough."

"You won't lose me to anyone else, Pietro. I know you love me. Actions speak louder than words," you placed your hand on his silky silver hair and ran your fingers through it until he fell asleep again.


Hey, sorry there isn't a Steve one. It was really hard to think up one. I always kept coming back to having Steve's nightmare be like Pietro's where he didn't have enough time to tell you that he loved you.

Thanks for the reads for this book!

luv b

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