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Bucky • He never wanted to get out of bed. He was always tangled up with your body and the sheets. He liked to sink his face into your neck as he hummed songs from the 1940s. This was the reason you always barely made it to work in time. Bucky always kept you for too long in bed with his arms wrapped around you.

Steve • You and Steve always woke at the appropriate time and got ready together. As you and him continuously trade places between the bathroom and the closet, he would state random facts about the world; for example, today was about how porcupines can float in water. He always finished getting ready first and he would try to give you a new hairstyle as you put on light makeup. He loved braiding your hair, even though it ended up as a big tangle most of the time.

Bruce • Very often, Bruce stayed up in the early morning hours. If he wasn't in bed by three, your body's alarm clock would wake you and you'd walk into his study to find him hunched over papers spread out on the table. You'd ask him to come to bed and your touch always seemed to remind his body of how tired he really was. He'd take your hand and tuck you back into bed before knocking out.

Pietro • He was always awake before the sun rose. He liked to put in a short run and come back to take a shower before jumping back in bed with you; all before 8 in the morning. Later, the two of you would prepare breakfast and discuss the plans for the day.


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luv b

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