he talks about you

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"Natasha, I do take care of her."

"Okay, I was just making sure."

"Making sure for the 1000th time."

You were making dinner for you, Bucky and Natasha for Natasha's homecoming from a recent mission. You could overhear bits and pieces of their conversation. You could hear the wine bottle clink against the glass as Bucky poured more for himself. "Although sometimes, I think she's the one taking care of me."

"How so?" Natasha asked.

Bucky took a sip. "Less nightmares. I feel safer, happier. Y/N makes me happy."

"Never took you for a sentimental guy, Barnes, but I'm happy you feel that way."

"Me too. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her."

You popped your head in the living room. "The food's ready!"

They stood up and Bucky kissed you on the forehead. Natasha sniffed and exclaimed, "You're an excellent cook, Y/N!"

"Of course! Bucky would starve to death if I wasn't here," you winked.

"Bucky ran his fingers through his hair. "Just another example of how I wouldn't be anything without you, babe."

"Oh, please, if this food wasn't so good, I would vomit," Natasha joked as she dug into her dinner.


Steve had been on the phone for a seemingly long time and you quietly went downstairs to listen in on his conversation. "We'll come visit you soon, I promise," he held the phone with his left hand and a soapy sponge in his right.

He was in the middle of doing the dishes when the call came in. "Uh-huh," Steve continued to speak into the phone. "Y/N sometimes reminds me of you. She's got a lot of spunk and everyone loves her. I don't know how she still fell for someone like me when she had someone like Banner in her life. She's amazing, Ma.. well, we haven't had time to see you because SHIELD's got us working back to back.. no, Ma, there was no sexual innuendo in that."

From your angle at the stairs, you saw his neck grow red and you guessed his face was the same color. "Ma, no we haven't done that.. I always keep it in my pocket. Can we change the topic, please?"

You sneaked up and wrapped your arms around him from behind on his waist. He looked over at you and gave you a smile. He mouthed the word "mom" to you. "Ya, Ma, I gotta go. We'll visit you this weekend, I promise. Don't stay out in the sun for too long; you know how red you get. Okay, I'll see you soon, love you."

He hung up and continued washing the dishes. "So," you reached into his right pocket and laughed quietly to yourself when you felt a square wrapper. "It seems I've found Steve Roger's condom stash."

"Don't tell my mom about it when we see her this weekend," he blushed.


You took a seat in Bruce's office with a bag of fast food as you waited for him to finish something in the lab so the two of you could have a quick lunch break together. The door to the lab was open so you could hear the conversation that Tony and Bruce were having.

"So the Hulk thing can't be kinky?" Tony asked sincerely.

"Tony, please, that's so embarrassing," Bruce groaned. You could practically hear the blush in his voice.

"In all seriousness, how are you guys?"

"We're good. I like where we are. It's only been two months but I'm already looking forward to our two year anniversary. I don't know, Tony, I think she might be the one."

"Damn, so the sex really is that good. I should have hit it when the rumors started."

"What? Who's spreading rumors about Y/N?"

"Calm down big guy, I was kidding," Tony walked by the door and waved to you. "Call me when you really wanna see the real big guy."

You rolled your eyes. "Ugh, Tony, get out."

Tony shrugged and walked out the lab as Bruce hung his lab coat. He walked in and kissed you on the cheek. "Thank you for bringing me lunch. I'm sorry if you heard Tony say anything.. weird."

He sat on the edge of the table and peeked into the bag of food. You stood up and leaned into him, kissing his neck. "It's okay," you giggled. "I can't wait for our two year anniversary either."


You got ready with the Maximoffs for one of Tony's parties. You were slipping on your dress as Wanda went to the connecting room where Pietro was changing to fix his tie. "I look good, no?" Pietro asked.

Wanda replied, "Of course, brother. Y/N will not be able to keep her eyes off you, and you her!"

"I can barely keep my eyes off her already."

"How are you two?"

It was the personal things that Wanda did not bother to venture in Pietro's mind for and it helped keep a real conversation going between them. Pietro lifted his neck up as Wanda fixed his collar. "Mama and Papa would have loved her. She's a lot of fun and surprise. She keeps me grounded."

"Pietro Maximoff?" Wanda gasped, astonished. "Grounded? By a lady? Even I cannot do that."

Wanda finished making his tie and he kissed her on the forehead. "I know. She is very special to me. I'm glad the two of you are close friends. I wouldn't have it any other way."

The two of them walked into your room and Pietro's mouth opened slightly at you. You were still blushing from the words you overheard Pietro say so you were awfully red when you caught Pietro staring. "Close your mouth," you laughed, "the flies will get in!"


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