IMAGINE: Pietro x Savannah

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The sun set over Sokovia as Savannah and Pietro sat on a rooftop. "Remember when we were little kids," Pietro began to say, "and you always raced me to see who would get here first?"

"I always won," Savannah smiled.

"That was not fair," Pietro's accent thickened. "You live right across the street and I live farther."

"It was fair."

"You have always won everything, including me."

The conversation dulled after Pietro's fingers accidentally brushed over Savannah's as he changed his sitting position. After Pietro had confessed his feelings for Savannah earlier in the week, the two talked as if they were tiptoeing on a tightrope. Savannah wanted to return the feeling, but she was confused. Why was the idea of falling in love with your childhood friend so hard to grasp?

Savannah's mother yelled at them from below in Sokovian. "You two, get down! Time for supper now!"

"Finally!" Pietro hopped on boxes and crates to reach the pavement.

Savannah followed. "You have always been so impatient."

"My brother, he has no patience," Wanda said, catching up with them.

Pietro tried defending himself. "You know I'm 12 minutes older than you."

Savannah laughed at Pietro's weak comeback and hugged him briefly as they walked into the house.


Savannah woke up in a daze. She did not find herself in her bedroom but instead with her hands tied behind her back on a cold floor. There was a man with an eyeglass on his right eye, sitting at a table across from her. He shuffled some papers and neatly placed them in a folder. "Savannah, I am a man who is in need of your help," his lip curled. "If you are willing to give it. But in reality, Hydra is not really giving you a choice here."

"Who are you?" Savannah croaked.

"Strucker, and Hydra needs lab rats. You've been chosen Savannah," Strucker stood over her and began to speak in Sokovian. "And you will cooperate."


Pietro ripped the missing persons poster down. He crumpled it in his hand and dropped it to the floor. Wanda came up from behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder gently. "Pietro, it's not your fault."

"I can still save her. I just need to find her."

"No one knows where they go."

"Has anyone bothered to question the old base in the country?" Pietro grabbed Wanda's hand and began to run. "Come on."

It took the whole afternoon to trek from the city to the base in the country. Two soldiers stopped them at the gate. "Go back, youngsters. This is not a place for children."

"I want to speak with the man in charge," Pietro huffed.

The two soldiers laughed in his face and pushed him back. "Let's go, Pietro, this was a bad idea," Wanda pulled on his arm.

Pietro shook her off. "I volunteer! I volunteer." The two men looked at each other as Pietro repeated, "I want to speak with the man in charge."

Wanda's eyebrows furrowed as Pietro gave her a look that seemed to say to just go with it.

The two soldiers brought the twins into Strucker's office. "What is this?" Strucker said with an annoyed tone.

"Volunteers, sir," one soldier responded.

They closed the doors, leaving the twins alone with Strucker who had an evil grin crawling across his face. "Volunteers? That's a first."

"What do you need volunteers for?" Wanda asked, not yet catching on to what was going on.

"Experimenting for Hydra to better humanity. Enhanced humans," Strucker stood in front of them and he inspected them closely. "So, what is it? What made you turn yourselves in?"

"You took my Savannah," Pietro growled.

Strucker cocked his head to the side and then realized who Pietro was talking about. "Ah! Savannah! She is amazing subject. We were originally going to start new tests next week, but Savannah's orientation testing was spectacular so we decided to move it to tonight."

"Replace me with her."

"We do not know of your performance. We must test you first," Strucker shrugged. "And also, we need all able bodies."

"We are willing to do what an army can," Wanda stepped forward. "Anything for this Hydra; if you let our friend go."


A soldier came into Savannah's room and pulled her up to stand. "You're free to go."

"What? Why?" Savannah questioned him.

"Your ass got saved by some twins, particularly the guy. Said he'd take your place. The things young kids do for love," the soldier shook his head.

They walked to a room full of medical equipment. I've always liked you, Savannah. I would do anything for you. I would give my life for you. Pietro's confession replayed in her mind. The soldier and the doctor in the room made her lay on a bed where they began hooking up tubes to her. She struggled and frantically asked the soldier, "Pietro? Was that his name? Did he have silver hair? Did he have his sister with him? She has red hair. Don't let them go through with it. Let me stay with them. Are you going to experiment on them too? Please! Please, answer me!"

She bubbled over with questions and slowed down as the anesthesia kicked in.


Savannah awoke in her bed as she heard a rooster crowed. She blinked her eyes and felt like she was forgetting something. Shrugging it off, she decided that maybe she would stop by Pietro's later to see if he would know. She met with her mother downstairs and her mother tackled Savannah with a hug. "You're back," she cried. "I was afraid you would not come back. No one comes back, except you."

Savannah had a confused look on her face. What is she talking about? Savannah thought to herself. I've just been sleeping..

Right as Savannah was going to ask what was going on, her mother kissed her on the forehead and to stay at home and recover while she went out to get groceries from the market. As she cleaned the front of her house, she looked at a missing persons poster that was stapled on a pole across from her house.

Missing: the Maximoff twins, it read.


What?? 3K reads!? You guys are amazing. Thank you for the love.

luv b

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