IMAGINE: Ward x Zoey

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"Watch it! That's the night-night gun!"

"Well, it's on my stuff and it doesn't work and there's no way we're calling it the night-night gun."

Fitz and Simmons are arguing once again, Zoey shook her head as they walked into the lab and began arranging their things. "With a dose of only one microliters of Dendrotoxin, I'm not Hermione," Simmons argued, "I can't create instant paralysis with that."

"We all wish we could be Hermione, though," Zoey butted in.

They continued to argue and soon Zoey joined in, complaining about their fussiness. In the midst of it all, a heavy bag dropped to the ground with a loud thud. All of their heads turned and a tall man dressed in a tuxedo stood there, unimpressed. "Fitz-Simmons," he declared.

His eyes darted to Zoey and stayed there. "Fitz," Simmons pointed at him.

"Simmons," Fitz pointed back. "I'm engineering, she's biochem."

Zoey had froze the moment the handsome man laid eyes on her. Fitz and Simmons both pointed at her. "Zoey. Special agent."

"New," she waved nervously.

"Agent Ward?" Fitz questioned.

Ward gave Fitz his comm to fix on Coulson's orders, but his eyes barely strayed away from Zoey's. His attention was fully averted when Fitz began to smash on the earpiece. "It's... brand new," he muttered.

Simmons explained how their new comms worked and quickly stuck a swab in Ward's mouth. "Embedded sensorineural silicone matched to your DNA. It's very posh. So, are you excited to be coming on our journey into mystery?"

He sighed, bothered by all the hyperactivity, but smiled at Zoey. "It's like Christmas."


After a long day, Zoey finally found sleep in Coulson's car, Lola. Everyone had gone on a mission for the Clairvoyant and Zoey was left to hold down the fort. She wished Coulson gave her clearance to enter the field so she could be with Ward. Over the past few months, they had grown closer and she had fallen even more in love. Zoey was unsure of how Ward felt about her so she kept all of her feelings and thoughts to herself. But now she decided that once he came back from this mission, she would finally tell him. A violent shake of her arm woke her. Ward hovered over her with alert eyes. "Hey," he whispered.

Zoey sat up. "Ward, I have something to tell you."

"I have to tell you something first, but not here," Ward helped her out of the car.

He rushed her into the back of a black SUV. Zoey began to ask questions. "What's going on? Is everything okay? Where's the team?"

Ward turned to her and tenderly touched her lips with his. Time stopped until Ward pulled away and held her hands. "Listen to me, Zoey. This may be extremely straightforward, but I love you. The very first day I saw you I knew."

Zoey exhaled a long breath and chuckled nervously. "Same. I mean, I love you too, Grant. I've been wanting to say this for so long."

"Well, that is good to hear. So then, you trust me, right?"

"Of course."

Ward lowered his voice, his face awfully close to hers. "I want you to trust me, especially now. I want to protect you, but you have to trust that I'm doing what's right for you. For the both of us, okay?"

Zoey nodded even though she was a little confused. "Hydra will not harm you," he kissed her forehead.

Back at Lola's front seat where Zoey was sleeping was a continuous vibration from her phone. Too many missed calls and voicemails to count from Coulson. Her phone vibrated one last time as a text came in.

SHIELD has been infiltrated. Ward is Hydra. Leave now.


The sun shone through the little window that Zoey had been gazing at. Ward had kept her in his room for a few days now. She began to doubt Ward's intentions, but decided to trust him like he said to do. The door knob rattled and Zoey stood at full attention. Ward slipped into the room and in Zoey's arms. He kissed her. "How's my girlfriend?"

"Bored. I miss everyone. Can we go outside, Grant?" Zoey asked.

He kissed her again. "I'm sorry you feel that way but this is the best way I can protect you."

Before Zoey could ask him what she needed to be protected from, he kissed her harder, cupping her face. Zoey felt her hairs rise on the back of her neck as he kissed her right under her earlobe. He turned and sat on one side of the bed as Zoey took a courageous move onto his lap. Sliding his tongue over hers, Ward gripped her waist tightly, pulling her closer. Zoey grabbed Ward's hair and slowly grinded into him to the kiss. A groan was caught at the back of Ward's throat. Her hands glided over his muscular arms and as he flipped them over on the bed, she could feel his muscles heavy against her. Ward grabbed her upper thighs and pushed himself against her as he sucked on her neck. "Ward," Zoey breathlessly moaned.

She could feel his hard member against her thigh when he hovered over her, taking a breath. Zoey placed a hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "I'm fine. Are you? I'm sorry if this is all happening too fast."

Zoey grabbed at the hems of his shirt and Ward raised his arms as she pulled it off of him. He gently laid her back on the bed and slowly pulled up her shirt. He held one of her breasts and kissed the other. Zoey's back arched as he began a trail of kisses toward to where her jean's button was. Ward pulled back up to take her bra off, but a rash knocking at the door interrupted them. "Ward, he is ready for you."

Ward groaned. "Fuck," He looked at her apologetically. "Sorry."

"Who is that?" Zoey swallowed, pulling her shirt back down as Ward put his back on.

He gave her one last long kiss and brought her to the door. "There's someone I want you to meet."

"They couldn't choose a better time," Zoey felt the blood rush to her cheeks.

Ward held her hand as he opened the door to two men at the sides standing guard. As they walked by, she spotted patches on their shoulders carrying the Hydra symbol.

Hydra, Zoey felt herself panic.

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