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Imagine Bucky catching your eye and winking at you from the corner of a boxing ring. After winning the match, he tells you he won it for you.

Imagine Steve waiting for you in your school parking lot at the end of a long week. You shake your head as he fixes his leather jacket and smooths out his perfect hair.

Imagine you and Bruce having a dinner date in his backyard. You laugh at the terrible pun you made while he holds in his laughter and gives you a look of confusion.

Imagine Pietro waiting for you at one of Stark's parties for SHIELD and when he sees you, a smirk runs across his face as he thinks about how stunning you are.


This is a new series I'll be doing. It's just a bunch of random imagines matching pictures. I hope I'll be able to keep up with it. Comment if you think it's a good idea.

Thank you for the reads!

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luv b

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