late night visit

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   You woke up to the sound of rash knocking at your front door. You knew that knock and you rushed to open it. Bucky stood in sweatpants and a white tank, exhausted. After closing the door, you took his hand and led him to your room. "The nightmares are happening again... I didn't... know what to... do..." he mumbled.
   You hushed him softly and cleared his face of his long hair. "You don't have to explain. I'm right here."
   After a few minutes, he began to snore lightly with his arms around your waist and his face resting in the crook of your neck.

   You had just changed into your pajamas from the clothes you wore on your third date with Steve. It had gone so great you wished it could continue but Steve had work early in the morning. You were getting yourself a drink from the fridge when you heard your doorbell ring. Looking at the time, you wondered who it could be visiting this late. Steve stood in front of you, still in his nice outfit from earlier. You were confused and could only manage to say, "Did I leave something in your car?"
   Steve chuckled. "No, no."
   There was a silence and then after realizing you were waiting for an explanation, he continued. "I just thought since you said you wished we could make the date longer, I could hang out here with you for a while."
   "What about work?"
   "We have to break rules once in a while and being late is one I'm willing to break if it means I get to spend the night with you."
   "So, you're staying the night?"
   Steve panicked at what he said. "I mean- No, I was going to- Well if you want I could- Maybe I'll just go-"
   You dragged him inside. "Well, I hope you brought some clothes to sleep in because I don't have any for you. Unless of course you don't mind sleeping with nothing on because you're more than welcome to."
   You left Steve madly blushing as he followed you into the kitchen for late night drinks.

You were wiping your tears as one of the emotional scenes of Good Will Hunting just finished. It was 2 AM but you were anything but tired which sucked because it happened almost every night. Your phone rang but you ignored it. You knew it was Bruce and you knew he didn't like it when you stayed up so late alone. He always said to call him when you did but you didn't want to bother him at such late hours. Later, you slipped another DVD into the player. It was 3 AM and you heard a quiet knock. You already knew who it was. Reluctantly, you opened the door.
"I knew you would be awake," Bruce walked in.
"I can't sleep."
"I know." He flopped onto the couch. "What are we watching?"
You sat next to him. You were silent at first but then you blurted whatever was on your mind that kept you up at night and Bruce just listened. Eventually, you fall asleep with your head against his shoulder. He carries you to your bed and falls asleep next to you.

   You caught Tony sneaking in midnight snacks in the kitchen. "Might as well have a full meal."
   Your interruption made him jump. "I couldn't help myself. Plus, your cooking was so good I just had to have more."
   "Tony, you're eating chocolate cake from the bakery."
   "And your efforts to buy such cake has been recognized."
   You smiled and gently tugged on his arm. "Come on back to bed. You need to stop snacking so much."
   He sucked on his fork then pointed it at you. "Did you come down here just to discipline me or for another reason?"
   Your eyes slightly widened and it was a dead giveaway. "Okay fine, I came to get some cake too."
   Tony scooped up another piece and fed you. "I'm telling you, your cooking's great."

   You had just turned off your bedroom lights and tucked yourself into bed when you heard a rapping at your window. "What are you doing here, Peter? It's nearly 1."
   "I was just-" he points at his hands, "-swinging by."
   You rolled your eyes. Peter laughed at your reaction. "I've been meaning to use that."
   "Be quiet, my parents could hear you."
   He held out his hand. "Let's go for a swing."
   "If you stop making jokes about your spider abilities, I'll go," you said as you grabbed a jacket.
   "Hm, seems like I've gotten myself into a pretty sticky situation."
   "Okay, okay, let's go," he helped you out your window.

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