Chapter 23: The Marauders Map {Part II}

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Hey Wattpaders!

I'll have a longer authors note in the next chapter, this is just a wrap up of the last one!


PS~ I'm going to post the next chapter right away!

Phoenix POV

After I managed to stop crying, and Harry still wouldn’t let me go back up to my dorm. He dragged me up to his dorm, saying he wasn’t going to let me out of his sight until Leo got back. I just sat at the foot of his bed, playing with the ends of my hair, and Harry just sat there, leaning back on his headboard. Eventually, Ron and Hermione ran into the dorm, panting from running, their noses and cheeks still red from the cold.

Harry explained what happened, calmly. That was odd. Harry had a temper, it was rare, but every now and then it made an appearance.

“He-He was their friend!” He shouted when Hermione asked it he was ok. There’s his fiery temper. “They trusted him! And-And he betrayed them!” He got up and walked around his and Ron’s dorm, his hands on top of his head, pulling at his messy hair. Hermione was sitting next to me, rubbing my arm, trying to get me to stop shaking.

I wasn’t sure why I was shaking, but I couldn’t stop.

“I hope he comes.” Harry continued his raving. “I hope he comes and finds me!-Because when he does-I’ll kill him!” he yelled to no one. I snapped my head up, my eyes wide. Ron was looking quite bewildered at the whole thing, Harry yelling, me on the verge of tears, and Hermione trying to calm me.

“Mate-Stop it,” Ron warned Harry, looking at me. Harry had been going on about how he was going to avenge his parent’s death, and abruptly stopped when he looked over at me. He dropped his hands from his head and let them fall slack at his sides.

“Oh…Phee, I’m sorry,” he said quickly, his green eyes widening under his glasses. “I-I didn’t mean-”

“No,” I said weakly. “I-I’d feel the-the s-same I g-gues-ss,” I said, my voice getting shakier by the minute. Hermione hugged me tighter and pulled me up as the dinner bell rang.

I sat in-between her and Ron all supper, my eyes glued to the doors, waiting for Leo to come back. I didn’t see him. I looked over at Professor Trinket, laughing about something Professor Lupin said.

He knew too, he had to. Hagrid had said that ‘Lupin’ had been friends with Sirius Black…dad…in school, best friends. He had to have known. If he knew, then I’m sure Dumbledore and McGonagall did, Snape was in Lupin’s year in Hogwarts, to he’d’ve known. Hell, all the teachers knew I’m sure. They all knew they where teaching two children of a murderer. Why had we even been excepted at all? If he was in a life sentence, and Trinket…mum…just wasn’t around, why did we come?

Leo and I should have just stayed with our adoptive mum. We would have had a normal life, well, as normal as it could have been. Leo would have joined the football team I’m sure, and I would have volunteered at the animal shelter on the weekends and held tutoring sessions for the kids in my class. Leo would have messed around in the classes, maybe thrown a half-dissected frog at the teacher. We’d still have seen Harry, when he came home on summer break. But, eventually he’d stop coming home, and we’d slip into a strictly Christmas card relationship. I’d go to collage in London and get a nice degree, Leo’d open up a car shop or something. I’d get married, he wouldn’t.

But no. I was the wrongly-sorted, animal loving, quiet, bullied daughter of a murderer.

I sat silently at the table, picking at my food, and shrieking when Fred grabbed me around the waist. I ran out of the Hall in tears after, I just couldn’t take it. I went up to my dorm until supper was done. Then, I pulled my curtains shut and quietly made my way to the common room.

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