Chapter 14: 'Home'

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Hey hey hey!

Well, I'v eworked on theis for the last three days, you know, inbetween throwing up and sleeping (CUZ I HAVE THE FRIKIN' FLU). I don't think it's the best, more of a filler.

Well, enjoy!



“Come on you three,” the Minister What’s-His-Face said, motioning us to follow. I grabbed my trunk, and poked Phoenix in the ribs.

“You ok?” I asked lowly, so the Minister wouldn’t hear.

“Yeah…Yeah I’m fine,” she said, trying to rub the dirt from her hair.

“Your bleeding,” I stated stupidly, looking at a small reddish spot on her hip that soaked through her jeans.

“Huh, guess I am,” she mumbled. I rolled my eyes at her.

We followed the Minister to a small privet parlor. He asked us politely to take a seat, I fell into a chair with my legs over the side and my head lolling off the back. I sent him a grin and he moved his annoyed gaze to Harry and Phee.

“Well, you three have had us all in a right flap, I don’t mind telling you. Running away from you aunt and uncle, Harry. And you two,” he looked at me and Phoenix.

“The Black children-”

“For the last bloody time! Our last name is White!” I burst suddenly. Lockheart called me Black all last year. And when the teachers where talking with us and we where upset with me, or talking quickly, they’d call me Black too. I was sick of it. I knew no one really cared about a couple of orphans, but would it be so damned hard to get our names right?

“Yes, right,” Fudge mumbled, looking over some papers. “All of you, eat, you look dead on your feet,” he said, pushing a tray towards us. I grabbed a biscuit, and dunked it in a cup of tea, and munched on it idly. Phoenix yawned and mumbled about ho she wasn’t hungry. I threw a biscuit at her and it hit her cheek. She glared out at me and I just smiled.

“Now then…Harry, you will be pleased to hear that we have dealt with the unfortunate blowing-up of Miss Marjorie Dursley.-”

When I heard that, I burst out laughing. Tea came out though my nose and went down my front. I was clutching my stomach, just trying to imagine Harry blowing up his aunt. I felt a sharp smack on my head, and saw Phee with a wadded up paper, and sent me a look. I held in my laughter and sat back in my seat. I saw Harry blushing into his tea cup.

“…As I was saying…” Fudge said slowly, then slipping back into his small speech. “Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Department were dispatched to Privet Drive a few hours ago. Miss Dursley had been punctured and her memory modified. She had so recollection of the incident at all. So, that’s that, and no harm done.”

I saw Harry looking at him with a dumbfounded expression.

“Ah,” Fudge said, obviously coming to his own (mostly likely wrong) conclusion. “You’re worried about the reaction of your aunt and uncle? Well, I won’t deny that they are extremely angry, Harry, but they are prepared to take you back next summer as long as you stay at Hogwarts for Christmas and Easter holidays.”

“He always stays at Hogwarts for holidays. We all do,” I put in.

“And I don’t ever want to go back to Privet Drive.” Harry added quickly.

“Now, now, I’m sure you’ll feel different once you’ve calmed down,” Fudge said hastily. “They are your family, after all, and I’m sure you are fond of each other-Eh-Very deep down.” I snorted.

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