Ch. 1: Secrets Revealed

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Anne was knocked to the ground as the Tax Toads began to move back to the Plantars.

"Now that she's been dealt with, let talk." Bog said, raising his weapon to the Plantars as the town looked on in horror.

Before he could use his weapon he was tackled by a furry creature that held him to the ground and bit down on his arm.

"AAAAAAAAH!" He screamed in pain, feeling his blood gushing as he looked at the strange beast!

The town looked at the beast, seeing a large Northwestern wolf, with dark brown fur that became lighter near its stomach. The wolf let go of Bog and ran over to put itself between the Plantars and the Toads. It growled and barked at the Toads, it's message loud and clear.

'Leave them alone! GET OUT!'

Bog looked at his blood fall on the ground and then back at the wolf.

"Kill it!" He said.

Fens and Mire looked to each other before rushing at the wolf with their weapons at the ready.

"Grrr!" The wolf growled before charging at the two toads.

They weren't ready for its speed, as it easily managed to avoid their weapon strikes and then jump on Fens. It then jumped off her and onto Mire. The wolf knocked him to the ground and then turned back to Bog. The wolf growled as Bog held his weapon.

"Fine then, I'll deal with you personally." He said.

He charged at the wolf, but the wolf was smarter than that. She knew that she had the advantage. She sprinted at him, and then jumped over him. Bog was confused and turned around, only to get punched and knocked to the ground.

"Stay down." Anne said as lightning flashed behind her, illuminating her eyes, which were still a wolf's eyes, "I promise you won't get the chance to leave if you get back up."

"W-What? But I knocked you out!" Bog says before looking around, not seeing the wolf anymore! "And where did that damn beast get off too?!"

"You're looking at her." Anne said with a small growl.

"I'm a predator, a beast like you've never seen before." Anne said, "I will not hesitate to destroy you if you ever try and mess with my frog family again, and you better hope my pack doesn't find out."

She wasn't going to mention that her pack was still in the Human World, she just needed to get a little fear into him.


Anne quickly shifted back into a wolf and growled at him. She wasn't afraid of hurting him, but focusing on him, resulted in Mire slamming a hammer against Anne's front leg. She let out a yelp before she was hit in the side by the hammer. She was knocked to the side and shifted back, unable to hold the form while in pain like this.

"Not so tough now, are you beast?" Bog asked, smirking, "Let's finish this."

Before he could raise his weapon, he was hit by a rock. He turned and saw the towns folk grabbing whatever they could to throw at the toads.

"You get away from her!" Wally said.

"That's our human you're messing with!" Felicia Sundew shouted!

Anne smiled, even after learning her secret they would defend her. Suddenly Sprig came out of the woods.

"Stop everything!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention! "I know what happened to the town's tax money! The original money!"

He brought them to the statue. Fens slammed a hammer against it and statue, breaking it and revealing dozens of coins.

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