Ch. 25: Massages

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Afterwards, they walked back to the farm. It was quiet, as none of them could understand each other in their spirit animal forms, but they didn't want anything trying something with them. Though it did make Marcy fell the need to sing something catchy like Hakuna Matata. But she knew that Anne and Sasha would not be happy.

'Maybe someday.' Marcy thought.

'This is nice. I hope we can do this again.' Anne thought, smiling as a wolf.

'Everything may change after the plan.' Sasha thought, still worried about her plan.

Mostly because, and she never noticed this before, Anne was the perfect height to reach her neck. Anne could attack her right now and rip her throat out if she wanted to. If something goes wrong and she finds out about the plan, then she KNEW Anne would fulfill her promise and kill Sasha.

'I need to talk with Grime when we get back.' Sasha thought, thinking of certain changes to make sure the plan didn't end in her dying.

Thankfully, the walk back was pretty calm, though the bird sitting on her head was a bit annoying to Sasha. But she allowed it since Marcy was one of her best friends. And the only one that couldn't actually kill her... if she could be a bit more careful with the Talons though, that would be great. Once they were within farm distance, the trio turned back to humans as Polly and Frobo were playing in the front.

"You're back! Did you bring me the stinger?!" Polly asked.

"I got it but why do you need it?" Sasha asked, pulling out the Scorpelio stinger.

"I wanna turn it into a weapon for Frobo!" Polly said.

"Uh, I don't think-"

"Don't." Anne warned, "Just don't. When Polly wants something, nothing will stop her."

"Just like you and being a pack leader! Not to mention that sick bone knife you got!" Polly said with a grin.

"Which I still have and find cool." Anne said as she took the stinger and tossed it to Frobo, "Don't maim yourself."

"No promises! Come on, Frobo!" Polly said, hopping into the house.

"Frobo is excited." Frobo said, following Polly.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Marcy asked.

"I usual train but I think I can skip a day." Sasha said with a shrug, looking to Anne. "Do you know if there's a spa in town or something?"

"There actual is one, yes." Anne said with a nod.

"It's so relaxing." Hop Pop said.

"But kind of expensive. Hop Pop managed to get a discount though." Sprig said.

"And I'm kind of offered free things all the time." Anne said, "Saving the town on a few occurrences, kind of gets some benefits."

"That she doesn't like to use too much. She's a real humble girl." Hop Pop said with pride.

"Be a little greedy girl, you risked your life who knows how many times." Sasha said, "Start using your perks."

"Yeah, I did sometimes in Newtopia but never too much to seem like an arrogant jerk." Marcy said with a small chuckle.

"Well, that's just not the kind of person I am." Anne said.

"We know but still, let's use it just this once for a spa day." Sasha said.


Both Marcy and Sasha cheered a small bit at this while Anne rolled her eyes at them.

"Come on, let's go." Anne said with a smile.

"Be sure to watch your new stitches, Anne! Don't want them to get infected." Hop Pop said to her.

"I know." Anne said.

The trio left the house and went to the Wartwood spa, where the staff was happy yet hesitate to offer them first class service. Happy because it was Anne and Marcy, hesitant because Sasha was with them. But they did, because Anne has done so much for the town, plus, if Anne says it's okay, then it's okay.

"Alright, here are you robes and you can change just down the hall." A frog said.

"Thanks." Anne said.

"Do you have any lockers where I can store this?" Sasha asked, gesturing to her metal arm. "It's not entirely water resistant."

"To the right of the changing rooms."

"Thanks." Sasha said, nodding to the frog.

'She can take it off?' Marcy and Anne thought in surprise.

That was something they didn't expect.

They walked to the locker room of the spa, where the trio changed into extra long robes before putting their clothes in lockers.

"Okay, this is gonna hurt a bit." Sasha muttered as she undid the special latches on her metal arm.

She let out painful grunts as the arm was detached. Anne and Marcy moved to help, only for Sasha to hold her hand up.

"It's fine. I'm used to it." Sasha said, pulling it off to reveal a metal cap covering her nub, "There we go."

Sasha put her metal arm in a locker with her clothes before staring at her empty sleeve.

"Let me tie that." Marcy said, walking to her and tying the empty sleeve.


The trio headed towards spa area as their first treatment. Massages.

"So, you ever been here before?" Sasha asked.

"No." Anne said, "I've wanted to, but I was seen as a freak, and then I became the protector and my whole life became busy."

"I've been to the spa to Newtopia but I don't want to make comparisons." Marcy said.

"Now come on, let's go relax."

The trio moved to the special massage tables and each laid on one.

"What would you all prefer?" A frog asked as other frogs moved to the tables.

"Well girls?" Anne asked, "I'm not sure what the different types here are, Marcy, do you know what they are?"

"Do you guys know deep tissue?" Marcy asked the frogs.

"Maybe stone?" Sasha asked, suggesting another type of massage.

The frogs went to work.

"We'll start with a nice deep tissue massage before moving onto hot stone." The prime massage frog said as they each took one human.

'This will be nice.'

The three closed their eyes with hums, enjoying their surprisingly delicate and mucus covered fingers as they massaged their backs.

"Yeah, we needed this."

"Especially me. A soldier can carry a LOT of stress." Sasha said with a small grin.

"I can tell." The frog masseuse said, working on Sasha with some difficulty. "I may need the essential oils to help relax your body."

Well, Sasha wouldn't say no to that. Especially with how stressed she's feeling about her secret plan, that oil would be a godsend.

"Go for it." Sasha said as the frog quickly went to get the oil.

The girls enjoyed their nice peaceful day. Massages, manicures, pedicures, even hot rock treatments that just melted all of their stress away. Which was good, because soon they would be more than stressed.

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