Ch. 11: Ruin the Ruins

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When Anne woke up, she looked around and saw that she was in her room, with bandages covering almost all of her body. She tried to stand up, but fell to the ground. She dragged herself to the stairs, managing to see her reflection in a metal cauldron. She reached up and touched the scars on her face, unable to look at her clouded eye. She was now blind in one eye.

"Oh god." She said, before noticing one thing.

She wasn't wearing a shirt! She covered her chest and looked around, seeing it on the makeshift table that's in there. She grabbed it and looked at it, seeing it the areas that were cut were loosely stitched back up.

'At least I don't need new clothes for now.' Anne thought as she winced while putting her shirt back in.

Anne slowly crawled up the stairs and opened the hatch. She looked around for anyone around before crawling up to couch to sit a bit.

'How long was I out this time?' Anne thought.

She reached for a calendar, only to miss. Having no depth perception is going to take some getting used to.

'How am I going to explain the whole half-blind thing to my parents?' She thought.

After a few more tries, Anne managed to grab the calendar and look at how much time has passed since Sprig seemed to label it.

'Day 7, so I've been out for a week.' Anne thought, thinking it wasn't so bad compared to the month prior.

"Now where is everyone?" Anne asked.

Luckily, the door was opened and the Plantars came into the house from the market.

"Alright, so when Anne is awake, then we can-"

"We can what?" Anne asked.

Everyone turned to see Anne on the couch, placing the calendar on the coffee table.

"Anne!" They called out, dropping some things they were carrying.

"Hey." Anne said, "So, what happened while I was asleep this time? I still feel numerous injuries, most of which were probably still recovering from before my last coma."

"Nothing much.....aside from making another statue for you." Hop Pop said before pulling out a small pouch. "Maddie also whipped up something to help you heal faster too."

"Great." Anne said, "Anyone have a cane? I might need one with my vision now."

The family went to help Anne, picking up their dropped items and going to her. Sprig helped her stand and guided her to her cane before Hop Pop gave Polly the sack of healing medicine from Maddie to give to Anne.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Anne asked.

"Oh, we were just talking about how we're going to get you home." Hop Pop said, "We bought a new wagon for it. Now that you're up, we're one step closer to leaving."

"Leaving? You mean the exit out of the valley has finally melted?" Anne asked.

"Exactly." Hop Pop said with a nod.

"Now we can leave and explore outside of frog valley!" Polly said.

"Yes!" Anne said raising her arms, "Ow!"

"Easy, at least wait until you get the medicine." Polly said as she threw the sack at Anne.

It exploded in a close of white powder, covering Anne from head to toe before her injuries began glowing and healing faster.

"Oh wow, that's good... smells nice too."

"She added some lilacs for scent. Maddie said not to do anything strenuous for 45 minutes and your injuries will be mostly fixed up." Hop Pop said as he pointed to the couch.

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