Ch. 9: Party Crashed

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Anne woke up and looked around, seeing that she was in the basement.

"Oh, how long was I out?" She asked.

Anne saw a calendar and her eyes went wide.

"I've been asleep for a month!?"

Anne got up, feeling much better since most of her injuries have been healing. She climbed up the ladder and went into the living room, where the Plantars were.

"Anne! You're awake!" Sprig said, "And you picked an amazing time to wake up too! They're going to announce the winner of the Frog of the Year award today!"

"Frog of the Year?" Anne asked, moving to sit in the couch. "What's that?"

"It an award to celebrate the frog who has done the most to benefit and help the community of Wartwood within a year's time." Hop Pop explained.

"Alright then." Anne said, "Can someone tell me what's happened since I was... asleep?"

"I can!" Polly said, about to be hard and blunt, "Sprig tried to confess his love to Ivy! And it failed spectacularly!"

"Shut up!" Sprig shouted with a blush on his face.

"No!" Anne said, in surprise, "You have to tell me what happened!"

"You kids can do that later." Hop Pop said, "It's time for the announcement, let's go."

The family got up, with Hop Pop handing Anne a hiking stick to help her walk with no room for argument and walked into town as everyone gathered in the square for the results. Everybody was happy to see Anne awake and mostly healed after worrying for a month. Anne had to sit down when they arrived. Walking took a lot out of her.

'Jeez, I hope I don't get into another fight today.' Anne thought.

"Alright, everyone, settle down." Toadstool said, walking onto the stage.

Everyone did as he said as Toadstool saw Anne in the crowd.

'Local hero is awake, good.' He thought, thinking Anne was more useful than the sheriff. 'Oh that's a good publicity act, make the town protector the new sheriff.'

He would think more about that later, he had to reveal the Frog of the Year.

"Now let's see who the winner is." Toadstool said, "And the winner is... Anne Boonchuy."

"WHOOOO!" Everyone cheered and clapped while Anne looked surprised from her spot.

"Me?" Anne said, "Uh... Sprig, I need help getting up to the stage."

"Sure, Anne." Sprig said as he helped Anne stood up and helped her to the stage, walking stick and all.

When Anne got there, the crowd clapped.

"Thank you, thank you, but I feel like I don't deserve this really? I've been here less than a few months and most of the time, I was just causing unwanted trouble." Anne said as she scratched her head, "But, I have also left my blood, sweat, and tears on the ground for this town... mostly the blood."

Barely anyone laughed at the morbid joke she told, understandable since it wasn't that funny.

"Still, it's an honor to be nominated. Thank you all for this." Anne said with a nod.

"Oh, Anne, we might want to let you know about the celebration." Hop Pop said.

"Celebration?" Anne asked.

"Of course, to go with the award, the is a large celebration that the whole town participated in every year." Toadstool said as he turned to Anne. "Usually, the awardee is meant to plan it but this year, messing as your injuries have not fully healed, you will have some help from a group of your choosing."

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