Ch. 26: Heading Home

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After a few days, where the trio got into mischief and adventures, such as making a band and singing in front of the town, the group decided it was time to head back to Newtopia with the completed box. It was finally time for them to head back home.

"You know, we've been here for months trying to find a way home, but now that we actually have a way home, I-"

"Don't know if you're ready to say goodbye?" Marcy asked, cutting Anne off.

"Surprisingly, yes. I've sort of grown attached to this place. I've even gained my own pack with Wartwood." Anne said with a small grin.

"Well, you have the box, you can come and go whenever you want." Sasha said.

"I guess but we still don't know exactly how to use it. Only King Andrias." Anne said to her.

"Maybe after he answers any questions, he could teach us how to use it? Or maybe we could use some old yet advanced technology to make a sort of portal device? I mean, Frobo is evidence that this world has some advanced lost tech." Marcy said to them.

"Guess we'll figure that out when we get there."

"Yeah, I guess." Anne said before turning to Hop Pop. "We good to go, HP?"

"Ready and waiting for you three! Joe Sparrow is ready to go too." Hop Pop said, gesturing to Bessie and Joe.

"Then let's not waste anymore time."

"Alright, you heard the wolf leader! Let's move, people!" Sasha said in agreement.

"I think I'll ride on Joe until we're half to Newtopia. Wanna save my strength." Marcy said.

"Smart." Anne said.

"I think I'll ride with Marcy. I wanna feel like I'm flying." Polly said.

"But then you couldn't be with Frobo since he's too heavy to ride Joe Sparrow." Sprig said.

"Frobo will be fine in the fwagon."

"What if he gets lonely?" Anne asked.

"He can arm wrestle with Sasha." Polly said, pointing to the robot arm girl.

"It's true." Sasha said.

"Where's Grime, by the way? He isn't coming with us?" Hop Pop asked.

"He said he'll meet us there. He went to check in on the other soldiers and make sure they're okay. Not causing trouble and stuff." Sasha said to him.

Anne didn't see anything wrong with that, so she just nodded.

"Sounds good to me." Anne said, getting into the Fwagon.

She spent weeks in this thing, but felt a bit sad that this would be the last time she was in it.

'I hope we actually find a way to go back and forth, I'd hate to just up and leave my pack suddenly.' Anne thought.

The trip began. Joe Sparrow took to the sky while Bessie drove down the road, passing by everyone in Wartwood as they waved them goodbye again.

"Get back soon!"

"Good luck!"

"Come back and visit if you do find a way home!"

Anne waved.

'Goodbye but hopefully, just see you soon.' Anne thought with a sad smile.

They made it out of the valley. Anne watched as Wartwood grew smaller in the distance, but keeping it in a big place in her heart.

"Don't worry, you'll see them again." Sasha said, noticing Anne. "You're their pack leader, after all."

"Yeah... you know, back home I never wanted to be the future pack leader, I was an Omega, the lowest rank, barely higher than the pups, everyone figured I would never be as good as my grandmother... I've changed so much." Anne said, "When I get home, I'm going to prove everyone wrong, I'm going to make sure I become a great Alpha."

"And make a new pack on Earth?" Sprig asked.

"Not a new pack, an addition to the great one I already have." Anne said, smiling at him, "It was the thing I was meant to do since I was a pup."

'Only this time, I want it.' Anne thought.

"I'm sure it'll be great, Anne." Sasha said to her before looking at her robotic arm. "For me, I don't know what kind of bear I'll be in the future."

"Maybe you'll be the bear in bear wrestling." Anne suggested.

"Hey! To me, that sport is a joke! I will not be declawed and muzzled just because a man wants to prove his machismo!" Sasha said to her.

"I already seemed to declaw part of you." Anne said.

Sasha gave an a blank look at that joke.

"Wow. Funny. This arm doesn't have normal claws but it's wicked strong. I've been thinking of getting sword attachment." Sasha said, holding up her metal arm.

"Yeah, that's something you would do." Anne said.

"What can I say? I learned I'm pretty good with a sword here. Who knew cheerleading would lead to swordsmanship?" Sasha asked with a shrug.

"It's a surprise, that's for sure."

'And it won't be the last.' Sasha thought.

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