Ch. 33: Failed Rescue

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In Amphibia, Marcy was floating in a healing pod. Why you ask? Because after she was stabbed in the back by her former friend, King Andria, he wanted her to be treated immediately and healed back to full heath. She was being monitored for the last several months and she was nearly back to full health but that would be more of a bad thing than a good thing if someone didn't cut in. Andrias watched her.

"Let me know when she's ready." Andrias said to a robot, "The Core is getting impatient."

"Yes, King Andrias." The robot said with a nod.

Andrias left after this, glancing back to Marcy for a moment before continuing on his way.

'I am sorry, Marcy but it has to be this way.' He thought.

In another part of the castle, Lady Olivia was pacing.

"Come on, Olivia. You can't just sit back and do nothing anymore." She said before glancing to the side, seeing the landscape of Amphibia around the castle barren and dying. "Your family has protected this land for generation and you are just letting it happen because the king has secretly been a mad tyrant all along. You need to do SOMETHING."

She didn't know what to do though, that's the problem. Despite his mad tyrant turn, she was still loyal to the throne. To disobey would go against everything her family stood for. It only got worse with each passing moment.

"Lady Olivia." Someone said, bring Olivia out of her thoughts.

The lady in waiting turned around to see the youngest general in Newtonia standing, General Yunan.

"General." Olivia said, "What can I do for you?"

"I saw that you seemed troubled. I thought I'd come and ask how you are doing." Yunan said.

"I'm fine." Olivia said but it was a lie.

"Things surely have changed." Yunan said.

"Not for the better but you didn't hear that from me." Olivia said.

"Sure." Yunan said, not believing her. "But in a new subject, have you heard of Marcy's condition?"

"Not much, just that she's being held deep in the castle."

"Have you looked for her?" Yunan asked.

"Only small amounts. She's most likely in the forbidden area."

"The place on the king enters?" Yunan asked.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Olivia replied.

Yunan went and looked out the balcony.

"The King is paranoid, I've heard him talking to someone, but no one is in the room with him."

"I have noticed that as well." Olivia said.

'Who HASN'T noticed that?' She thought.

The two were nervous around him right now. They thought they could trust the man, that he had Amphibia's best interests at heart, but it was all a lie. And Marcy paid for it the most.

"...We need to get Marcy and leave." Yunan said out of the blue.


Looking at each other and quickly getting on the same page, both newts nodded before turning to exit the balcony.

"So, how do we do this?" Yunan asked.

"We will wait for nightfall and sneak down to the forbidden area. From there, we will search for Marcy and get out of the city before the King gets wise." Olivia said softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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