Ch. 14: Golden Bird

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After a several days of nonstop driving, they arrived at the capital of Amphibia... Newtopia. The capital of all of Amphibia, a shining city of culture with massive walls and a shallow lake surrounding it.

"Wow, this place is big." Anne said, "It is big, right? Its not just my eye playing tricks on me?"

"Nope, it's huge! We're approaching the gate now, it's even bigger than that Toad Tower!" Polly shouted as they looked up at the gate!

"I think it's as tall as Wartwood is wide." Sprig said.

'Come on, Marcy... be in there.' Anne thought.

The Fwagon came to a stop as Hop Pop looked up for a gatekeeper to open the gates and let them in but there was nobody.

"Hello?!" he shouted out!

A small window... door... thing... opened and a newt popped out.

"You can't come in."

"What?!" Anne called out, not understanding him.

"I said you can't come in! The city is closed!" The newt shouted so the could hear him.

"What, until when!?" Sprig asked.

"Until the Barbariants are dealt with!" the newt said!

"The what?!" Polly shouted.

"The creatures that made those holes!" The newt said as he pointed to the shallow lake before shutting the tiny door.

"They're afraid of a couple ants?" Sprig asked.

"I don't know, they seem very nervous about it." Anne said, "I think they might be a little more dangerous than the ones I know."

Suddenly, they were surrounded by giant ants.

"Okay, that's bad." Polly said.

"Guys, get behind me." Anne said, shifting into her wolf form.

She was about to attack when she heard a screech... a familiar screech. They all looked up and saw a Golden Eagle. Anne shifted back and watched the bird.


The Plantars didn't know what this creature was but they were entranced by it as it dived down towards them! She let go of the bags in her talons and hit the water in front of the ants with oil. She flew over and grabbed a torch from the top of the wall. She dropped it on the oil and it caught fire. The ants hissed in pain from this as the Plantars seemed to be safe instead of catching on fire like the large ants. The bird began to fly down and became a girl when she hit the water. She pointed her wrist and fired an arrow from a mini crossbow attached to her wrist. It hit an ant in the eye and killed it. The rest of the ants began to retreat.

"Ha! Attack pattern 263 is a success!" Marcy said as she pulled out a notebook and pencil.

'Attack pattern 263?' They thought in confusion.

"Another win for the eagle guard!" Marcy said.

Anne took a step forward.


"Anne?" Marcy asked, looking towards her and gasping.

Not just in shock to see her but in shock at all the injuries she had! Anne ran at Marcy and tackled her with a hug.

"I'm so glad I found you!" Anne said.

"A-A-Anne... your eye.'

'Of course she would notice right off the bat.' Anne thought as Marcy put a hand in her face to look at her eye more.

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