Ch. 16: College Visit

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Almost a week later, Anne was squeezing water out of her hair when Marcy came rushing up to her and the Plantars.

"Anne! Anne! Anne! I have- what happened to you?"

"Sprig nearly got eaten by Manta Rays at the aquarium, and I had to save him... we're now banned from there." Anne said.

"I regret nothing." Sprig said with his hands on his hips.

"Sprig!" Hop Pop said, scolding his grandson.

"Well, sounds... eventful."

"More than you think. So what's the happs, Mar-Mar? You got news for us?" Polly asked.

"We found a bit of information about the Music box." Marcy said, "I am heading to Newtopia University to do a bit of research since they have one of the biggest libraries in all of Amphibia."

"Newtopia University? The greatest school in all of Amphibia?" Hop Pop asked in awe.

"The same one Bella has a mountain of student loans from?" Sprig added.

Marcy nodded.

"It's my dream for one of my grandchildren to attend that school." Hop Pop said, holding onto Sprig and Polly.

He looked at his grandkids and then grabbed Anne's wrist and pulled her close.

"I would like all THREE of my grandkids with me while I daydream, Anne." Hop Pop said.

"Day dream?" Anne asked before they could all suddenly see Hop Pop's day dream!

They were all in a fancy mansion with Sprig and Polly in the pool while a very old and weak Hop Pop was in a wheelchair that Anne was pushing.

"Uh... is this normal?" Anne asked.

"Usually." Sprig asked, "Just ride it out."

"Aaaah, seeing my grandkids living wonderful lives, I can finally go in peace." Older Hop Pop said, slowly closing his eyes.

"Um, not to complain, but why am I still a pollywog?" Polly asked, looking over herself.

"And why am I still here?" Anne asked.

"Shut up, I'm dying in peace." Hop Pop said to them.

"Okay, this is weird." Anne said, pulling away from Hop Pop.

"Um, what just happened?" Marcy asked, not seeing the flashback.

"Hop Pop had a weird dream." Anne answered.


"Don't ask, I don't get it either." Anne said, "Let's go to the University."

With that STRANGE situation still in her mind, Marcy lead the Plantars and Anne to Newtopia University.

"Oh my, I can't believe we get to see Newtopia University in real life." Hop Pop said, "I've only seen pictures."

"Really? But I could've sworn I saw a picture of-"

"Hey, Marcy, what's your favorite equation?" Hop Pop asked, cutting her off.

"Where do I start!" Marcy said, gleefully.

Almost like she was a college student, Marcy began giving the Plantars a full tour of the campus.

"And here is where the head master's office." Marcy said, "He's a very friendly guy, also a bit old."

"Do my eyes deceive me?" A voice said, "I don't believe it, Hopediah, is that you?"

They all turned and saw an elder newt, most likely the head master.

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