Ch. 24. Protection

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The next day, Anne woke up. It was a little before dawn and she wanted to do some patrolling around Wartwood like she said yesterday. She stretched and smirked.

"Time for the wolf to howl." Anne said, walking out of the basement.

She stealthily walked to the door. She looked around to see Sasha and Grime sleeping/snoring loudly, sprawled over the couch.

'And she's not even a bear right now, yet she snores like one.' Anne thought with a smile.

Anne slowly moved past her. She didn't want to literally wake a sleeping bear. When the door closed, Sasha's eyes opened. Anne ran through the woods, feeling the wind against her fur. A nice morning run to go along with watching the perimeter of her territory of Wartwood. Her nose caught a familiar scent.

'The Scorpileo.' She thought, 'It's getting close to Wartwood!'

This would've been the second time Anne faced it and this time, she was going to make sure it stayed away or stayed DOWN for good. She ran after the scent hating that it tracked her down, but wanting to make sure it's going to be kept down this time. Anne growled as she rushed through the first before reaching the end if the trail. She saw it, and it saw her. It remembered her.

"Grrrrrrr!" They growled at each other, moving in a circle around each other.

Anne lunged at the Scorpileo.

"ROOOA!" The Scorpileo roared, jumping at Anne!

Anne took it out before, but she had both eyes at that point, so she was easily able to be blindsided. The Scorpileo dodged to the right, exactly where her blind eye is and claws into her side! Anne was knocked to the ground with blood dripping from the large cuts on her side.

'Ugh!' She thought, trying not to change back from the pain. 'Damnit, he got me!'

Anne powered through it and stood back up, growling at the Scorpileo as it prowled towards her. It was about to attack, when it got blind sided and bit down on by the jaws of a massive grizzly bear.

'SASHA?!' Anne thought in shock!

Sasha roared at the scorpileo. The Scorpileo roared back as it got up, aiming its stinger at Sasha but the bear dodging and used her metal arm to grab it!

"ROOOOAH!" Sasha roared before biting the tail and ripped it in half.

The scorpileo roared in pain and was about to attack Sasha, before Anne used the distraction to jump onto its back and began biting onto the back of its head.

"ROOOOAH!" The Scorpelia screamed in pain, trying to shake Anne off while Sasha kept tearing into it.

They both got an idea and began pulling in opposite directions, still hanging on to the Scorpileo. The scorpileo roared in pain as Sasha and Anne ripped it apart. Anne still having the head in her mouth while Sasha had the body in her paws. They both dropped the pieces before roaring/howling into the sky.


Two of North America's most powerful predators, working together, a sight to behold. Anne let out of bark, which Sasha seemed to understand. Anne wanted her to join the patrol.

The bear girl nodded to the wolf, especially since Anne was still injured on her side.

'Even when she's grown so much without me, I'm still looking out for her.' Sasha thought.

The two walked around the woods that covered the town. Anne took the lead and showed Sasha her usual route, walking around the while town. The two occasionally sniffed the ground, looking for any intruders. Anne found no new scents while Sasha was just sniffing around for something that wasn't frog or toad. She new what certain large insect smelled like but she wasn't smelling any of those either. With no possible intruders, the two began the trek back to the farm.

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