Ch. 32: The Thai Temple

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Today was the day, they were heading to the Temple to speak with the pack leader, and that meant that Anne would have to bring her own pack for their "approval" to be their pack leader. Anne was a lot different than they remembered. She wasn't a proud wolf, she never showed any care for anything, many questioned whether or not she could rule the pack one day. But the girl that stood before them, covered in scars and glaring at them like a hardened warrior, was absolutely nothing like she was before. The pack leader walked up to her, sniffing to make sure this is truly her granddaughter.

'Even her scent is different. Stronger, more musky with nature and blood.' she thought, sniffing all around Anne.

'Nice to see you too, grandma.' Anne thought, watching her grandmother/grand pack leader reintroduce herself to her scent.

Anne's grandma let out a bark to the Betas, telling them to meet her in the den for discussion. She let out a few yelps, telling Anne to leave and reintroduce herself to the others, they had been wondering where she went. She also said she'll send Oum to find her when they have finished speaking.

"Okay." Anne said.

Anne put her hands in her pockets and walked out of the room.

'Better check on Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly to make sure they're not getting into trouble.' Anne thought.

As she walked, she looked through the temple. It felt weird to be here. Not only because it had been so long since she came her but because she was getting looks from other members. Most likely cuz of her scars or the new air of authority Anne was giving off, an authority that matches that of a pack leader.

'It doesn't matter. I may be "part" of this pack, but none of them are apart of mine.' Anne thought, somewhat cold.

She used to be the "Weak Link" the worst wolf... she used to backdown if a pup growled at her... now most of those that thought her as nothing smell an aura of power and blood coming from her.

A ball rolled up to her feet, making Anne stop and gaze down at it as some pups ran up to her before stopping. Just looking up to her, seeing her scars and sensing her aura of authority, they both whimpered in slight fear before Anne kicked the ball away before walking over them.

"Watch where you play next time, you could hurt someone." Anne said to them, leaving the random pups behind.

Anne opened the doors to the front of the temple and walked down the stairs to the rest of the temple.

"Now, if I were HP, Sprig, or Polly; where would I go?" Anne muttered to herself.

She shrugged a bit and walked to the places she figured they liked. This was part of the territory, the packs home for well over 150 years, it makes sense that she would know some places. She arrived at the nursery, where the pups were. It was the only place in the entire temple that young pups could learn about both their Thai heritage as humans and their wolf spirit animal heritage as wolf pups.

'Alright, let's see if Polly is here.' Anne thought, looking into the open doorway of the nursery.

Anne peered in, seeing Polly interacting with the pups.

"Hahahaha is that all you got?!" Polly said, wrestling with some of the pups while keeping her disguise on.

Anne gave a small smile.

'Glad that Polly is having fun.' Anne thought before going to find Sprig.

He would be somewhere outside, he rarely hangs out inside.

'Maybe he's playing Sepak takraw (kick volleyball)?' Anne thought as she headed to the court within the temple grounds.

Not surprising, he was there, and he was dominating.

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