Ch. 29: Home

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The frogs looked around in surprise, taking in all of the new buildings, the new sounds, and the new smells as they were now in an entirely new world! Almost nothing could shock them more than this moment.

"Urp! What the?" Polly asked, feeling weird and looking down to see- "Hey! I got legs!"

Hop Pop looked down and saw that it was true, it must've happened when they were going through the portal.

"My little baby is growing up!" Hop Pop shouted, scooping up Polly in a hug.

"This just keeps getting weird." Sprig said as Anne stood up.

She looked around some more before taking a deep whiff of air.

"Oh, pollution, how I've missed you." Anne said, "We should get off the freeway."

Anne changed into a wolf and allowed the Plantars to get on her back before she ran out of the highway. All the way to her home. She looked at her hands and then at her house.

"Guys, wait here, I'll let you know when to come out." Anne said.

"Can do, Anne." Hop Pop said with a thumbs up.

"I still need to get used to my legs, so standing by is cool." Polly said.

"And don't mention anything about Sasha's betrayal, or Marcy's Betrayal, or Andrias' betrayal, or my blue powers."

'No doubt mom or dad are gonna scream when they see my eye.' Anne thought as she rang the door bell to her home.

She waited for a few seconds, hearing footsteps coming towards the door.

'Here they come.' Anne thought, gulping before taking a breath to calm herself.

The door opened and revealed a woman who looked just like Anne, but older and with a small bush of hair in her head. Anne smiled and waved a bit.

"Hi mom." Anne said.

Her mother gasped as she dropped the mixing bowl she held, nearly crying from the sight of her daughter.

"Anne?" She asked, reaching out to her.

She immediately pulled her into a hug. Another person looked around the corner of the house, wondering what the racket was.

"Dad!" Anne said.

The man gasped, dropping his gaming controller before rushing to join the hug!

"My little pup!" He shouted.

Her parents shifted into wolves and began licking her face.

"Ahahahahahaha! Hey hey! Cut it out!" Anne said before falling to her but, still hugging them and letting them lick her face.

'God, I never knew how much I missed this.' Anne thought.

The parents didn't stop for a few minutes. It was long enough for the weight of the situation to come to their minds, pulling back and shifting back to humans!

"Where the hell have you been, young lady?!" Oum shouted at her.

"We've been worried for months!" Bee shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

"It's, uh... a long story." Anne said.

"Well, start telling it! And where are Marcy and Sasha too?! Their families nearly destroyed the town looking for them!" Oum said, crossing her arms.

" gonna be even harder to explain but I think I can with a little help." Anne said before turning to the side. "Guys, you can come out now."

The Plantars came out.

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