Ch. 28: Broken Hearted

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The next time Sasha woke up, she found herself tied up in chains with Grime and the rest of the toads inside of the city. Her and Grime were grabbed and brought to the throne room with the Anne, the Plantars, Marcy, Olivia and Yunan.

"Anne, Marcy, Plantars, Olivia, and Yunan; I can't begin to thank you all enough for stopping this heinous invasion!" Andrias said with a proud smile.

"Think nothing of it, your majesty. The honor was all ours." Yunan said with a bow.

Anne held the box.

"Okay, big guy, we're ready to head home." Anne said, before glaring at Sasha, "Where I'm finishing this."

"Excellent." Andrias said, reaching for the box again.

"Anne, don't!" Sasha said.

"Silence!" Yunan said, covering Sasha's mouth with her tail.

Sasha could only watch in growing despair as Anne put the calamity box in Andrias's hand, making him smile happily as he closed his hand around it.

"After so long, I have this box once again." Andrias said.

"Wait, again? I thought you said you've never seen it before." Anne said, confused.

"That's because he lied! Like we've been telling you!" Grime shouted.

"I apologize, everyone. I haven't been exactly truthful with you." Andrias said as he turned to walk/pace, "You see, this box was lost, nearly a millennia ago. My ancestors used to travel to other worlds. Now with this in my possession, I can restore our city to its former glory!"

He pressed on the floor and a pillar rose from it. He place the box down and the castle started shaking.

"What is going on?!" Olivia asked, holding on to Yunan to stay stable.

"The castle is SO MUCH more than you all believe." Andrias said, gesturing to the nearby balcony. "See for yourselves."

They ran out and saw that the castle was flying.

"I knew Newtopia used to be more advanced but this is unreal!" Marcy comments.

"So this place is where Frobo came from?!" Polly asked in shock.

"Now that the box is back in my possession, I can finally continue my families legacy!" Andrias said, "Conquering other worlds!"

"What?! You said your family were explorers!" Sprig shouted in shock.

"Well, it's only a half lie, they did explore the worlds... before taking all the resources."

"Taking all of the resources?! So you're going to destroy Earth?!" Anne shouted as she glanced at Sasha, who had a look of fear at Andrias like her.

'Goddamnit, why did you have to be right?! I almost regret wanting to kill you now!' Anne thought.

"Anne we have to stop him!" Sasha said.

Though Sasha was right, a new thought came to Anne's mind. Something that shook her to the core as she slowly turned in their general direction.

"Marcy...did you know about this?" Anne asked, deadly serious as the temperature in the room dropped.


"Oh, I could tell you a lot." Andrias said, cutting off Marcy, "Like how she got you trapped her... on purpose."

"On purpose?!" Everyone said in shock, looking at Marcy.

The eagle girl had a look of horror as she gulped, unable to look around at all of their eyes.

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