Ch. 8: Hiber Day Havoc

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The next couple of days were fairly quiet, as Sprig and Anne didn't leave the house. Sprig didn't leave because he was still recovering from taking a boomshroom to the face while Anne didn't leave because she was still in shock and depression from actually killing someone. Today was going to be different, because Sprig noticed the temperature dip below the Frost Line for the third time. This made him gasp, he knew what was coming!

"HIBER DAY!" He screamed, echoing through the entire house!

"What!?" Hop Pop said.

"Hiber day?" Anne said, coming up from her basement room but looking a mess.

"We need to warn the town!" Hop Pop said.

Hop Pop got Sprig on his back and carried him into town while Polly hood after them in her bucket. Though Anne was hesitant to follow, she felt this was too important to not follow them and get a proper explanation. The entire time, Sprig was ringing a bell. The bell rang alerted the whole town, making everyone come from their houses gather in the town square.

"Alright, settle down, what's happening." Toadstool asked.

"Hiber Day is coming early!" Sprig shouted, shocking everyone in town. "I saw it in the temperature drip! It's gone below the line three times this week, that means Hiber Day is gonna be here before we know it!"

Everyone began screaming in a panic while Anne still looked confused but also worried.

"Umm, can I assume Hiber Day is a bad thing?" Anne asked, getting a few frog's attention.

"Yes, Anne!" Hop Pop said, "Every year, we frogs freeze, and the next day we thaw out, feeling rested and rejuvenated only problem is that someone goes missing each year."

"What?! Every year!?" Anne said in shock!

"Yes! And the worst part of it is that none of us are able to see what is doing it or do something to stop it. So, we've come to terms and prepare our goodbyes ahead of time." Hop Pop said as the town began saying goodbye to each other.

Friends, families, mother, daughter, fathers, sons; everybody was assuming one of them would be taken away and never seen again.

'Wait... I wouldn't freeze, wolves are meant for this kind of environment.' Anne thought.

"That's not going to happen this year."

Everyone turned to Anne, confused o what she meant before remembering about her wolf form! She was the town protected, she could protect them and stop whatever was taking them!

"I'm not letting anyone die this year." Anne said.

'And I won't kill again.'

"But what if the thing that's taking us comes and you have to fight it?" Ivy asked Anne.

"I'll drive it away. I'm a wolf, and wolves don't back down from a fight to protect their pack." Anne said, "This is no different."

"Good enough for me." Toadstool said, believing what Anne said since nobody knew what Earth wolves were like. "Alright people, let's go and get ready for Hiber Day and SURVIVE!"

"Wooooo!" The town cheered.

"We'll meet back up here tomorrow, that way Anne can watch us all." Hop Pop said.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they headed back to their homes to prepare but unfortunately, Sprig was almost TOO right about Hiber Day coming early since it hit halfway to everybody's homes, freezing everyone in ice.

"Oh no, everyone is scattered, how am I going to-" Anne picked up Sprig, "Huh, this is pretty light."

She then picked up Polly and Hop Pop before carrying all three of them back to the town square. Anne then worked to get the rest of the town assembled and did a headcount to make sure.

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