Ch. 6: Becoming a True Predator

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A couple days later, Anne and the Plantars were packing for a camping trip. Sprig was especially excited because he wanted to teach Anne how they hunt compared to how she hunted. Even wanted to teach the family hunting dance. Anne on the other hand was scratching like crazy.

"Dang fleas." Anne said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a flea collar.

"What's that?" Sprig asked.

"A flea collar. Helps keep fleas off me." Anne said as she put the spiked collar around her neck, "It's not uncommon for a lot of people to wear them. And since I'm currently living in a swamp filled with bugs... I'VE BEEN GETTING FLEAS LIKE CRAZY!"

"Something tells me you don't like fleas." Hop Pop said, with ringing in his ear.

"You wouldn't like them if they kept biting you ALL DAY!" Anne said as she scratched her hair to get some fleas out of her hair.

"Well, they don't bite us, but I happen to lick some fleas." Polly said as she stuck her tongue out to catch the fleas and eat them. "They're surprisingly crunchy for small guys."

"Polly, what have I told you about doing that?" Hop Pop said.

"Only do it if they're prepared correctly?" Polly asked.

"Exactly." Hop Pop said, "Don't worry, Anne, when we get there, you can jump in the lake to get those fleas off."

"Good." Anne said as they loaded up Bessie and prepared to head out.

"So, where is this place, HP?" Anne asked, still scratching.

"Just the Plantar family camping spot." Hop Pop said to her.

"Okay, where is that?" Anne asked.

"Just a few miles outside of Wartwood. Don't worry." Hop Pop said to her.

"I hope we get there quickly." Anne said, scratching more, "Ugh, why is this collar not working!?"

"Maybe it only works on Earth fleas?" Sprig asked, not fully understanding a flea collar.

"If that's the case, you'll just have to wait to take a bath in the lake when we get there." Hop Pop said to her.

Anne growled and scratched behind her ear.

'God damn Amphibia fleas! You just had to be stronger than normal Earth fleas!' Anne thought.

She was scratching all the way to the camping spot before Anne rushed off Bessie and into the lake!

After a few seconds she re-emerged.

"Ah... sweet relief." Anne said.

"We've got some soap if you need it." Hop Pop said as everyone else got off of Bessie.

"I'm good for now." Anne said, "I just needed them off."

Anne continued to wash herself in the lake as the Plantars set up camp, not caring if her clothes were getting wet. She just wanted to get the fleas off and the itching to stop! She got out and shifted into her wolf form, shaking herself dry before returning to normal. She didn't know how but her clothes somehow became dry as well. Another advantage of being a wolf.

"Nice, dry, and itch free." Anne said with a smile.

"Great, now that you're all done, I want to see how your hunting does compared to the Plantar way." Sprig said.

"Really? Even after I've got attacked by a red mantis last time?" Anne asked him.

"Yeah but that won't happen this time. We've been coming here for years and no mantises have ever come here while we're here." Sprig said with a hand wave.

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