Ch. 17: The First Temple, Mind

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A couple days later, they all piled on Marcy's bird, Joe Sparrow to head to the first temple.

"And you're sure Bessie will be okay?" Hop Pop asked.

"Don't worry, the King said that the newts bringing her and your cart back to Wartwood will be extra careful." Marcy said, climbing onto Joe's back.

"Uh... why do you have a bird, can't you fly already?" Sprig asked.

"Well, I got a bit lonely without Anne or Sa- She who will not be named." Marcy said, trying to avoid making Anne upset, she seems extra angry lately, "And since Joe is a bird, surprisingly closely related to Human Raptors believe it or not, I can understand him."

"Caw!" Joe Sparrow said to her, nodding to Marcy.

"Alright, we almost ready?"

"Yep. Everything's just about ready." Hop Pop said, taking a small glance at Anne. "We're ready to go when you and Joe are ready to fly."

"Well let's go then!" Marcy said.

"Caw!" Joe Sparrow cawed in agreement as Marcy transformed into her golden eagle form and flew into the air.

Anne and the Plantars held on to Joe as he unfurled his wings and flew into the air after his feathered friend.

"So, what do you think we'll find?" Sprig asked.

"Hopefully a way for me to get home." Anne said.

Hop Pop gripped the reigns tightly at that, feeling enormous guilt for what he did.

'I hope I find a chance to make things right.' Hop Pop thought.

It would be hard, but he would do what he needed.

"Think we'll find buried treasure?!" Polly asked, excited and slightly greedy.

"Maybe, just maybe." Anne said, giving Polly a tiny smile.

'Especially if Hop Pop has been around.' Anne thought.

He would know a bit about "buried treasure" but she wouldn't hold it against him MUCH. Not if he learned his lesson and didn't do it again. Still, she was still upset. It would take a LOT of time for her to come even close to forgiving him. Or even talking to him. After a bit of time, Marcy began to fly down,

"This must be the place." Anne said as Hop Pop snapped the reigns.

"Take us down, please Joe." Hop Pop said to the large bird.

"Caw!" Joe Sparrow let out.

Joe followed Marcy as she landed and turned back.

"This is it. This should be the exact location of the first temple." Marcy said, pulling out her notebook.

Joe landed and the group got off.

"Uh, you may have over hyped this place." Anne said, looking at the porta potty.

"Well this stinks." Polly said, yet making a joke as well.

"Wait, no it doesn't." Sprig said, sniffing the air around the porta potty. "I don't smell anything bad."

"That's not what I was talking about." Marcy said, "THIS is the Temple."

Marcy motioned to the very large building behind her.

"Okay, I'm half blind, what's your excuse for not noticing?" Anne asked the Plantars.

"Hey, I've never seen a temple before. I didn't know what to expect." Polly said.

"Me either, a temple could look like anything to me." Sprig said.

"I'm old." Hop Pop said, making everyone look at him. "What?! It's true! My eyes aren't what they used to be!"

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