Ch. 10: A Bitter and Bloody Reunion

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The front Toad walked up and stands next to Sasha.

"Greetings, Ms. Anne. We've heard a lot about you." Grime said with a smirk, looking over Anne. "I must say, they don't do you justice. You have the presence of a warrior!"

"Thanks." Anne said, her instincts telling her this toad was INCREDIBLY dangerous.

"Now, if you don't mind, we have an announcement to make to the town." Grime said, "Toads, advance."

Anne watched as the multiple eyes moved to reveal an army of toads, marching into Wartwood like an invasion force! Which it was!

"What? No! Stop!" Anne said as she turned around, wanting to stop them.

She didn't care if she got more injuries, Anne needed to stop them now! Sasha stopped her.

"Relax Boonchuy, they aren't going to hurt anyone." Sasha said.

"You don't know the toads like I do!" Anne said to her.

"Actually, I do. I've been staying with them and I can vouch for them." Sasha said with a smile.

"Wait, you've been with the toads this WHOLE TIME?!" Anne asked in shock.

"Yep." Sasha said.

"And you LIKE them?! Did you not run into the three that broke my arm when they came to collect taxes?!" Anne shouted as she pointed to the arm they broke months ago, "What about that spy!?"

"Don't worry, they've been dealt with, and the spy was just to confirm that it was actually you without sending more toads to town and causing a panic." Sasha said, "Come with me, It'll be explained."

Anne didn't look too sure.

"Come on, Anne, me and you, the wolf and the bear, the two top predators around. Just like home."

'Sure, just like back home....' Anne thought, thinking back to how she was before coming here.

She may have been a wolf, but she was just a follower, not thinking about anything or trying hard in life as long as she was part of a strong pack with a leader. And lately she had a feeling that Sasha wasn't the best leader. And it wasn't just because Anne was now pack leader/protector of Wartwood. The more time she spent in Wartwood, becoming friends with the townspeople and growing as a person and wolf, the more she thought back to how she was back on Earth and...she now HATED how she was before now. Especially with following Sasha's lead and getting into trouble. Still, she would follow and see where this goes. Anne followed Sasha and the toads back to Wartwood, seeing the Full Moon Celebration/Frog of the Year Celebration ruined and the people afraid/angry at the toads for crashing.

'That's strike one.' Anne thought as she moved away from Sasha, walking to the frogs as they began to crowd her with questions.

"Good evening, people of Wartwood!" Sasha said.

"Who the bullocks are you?!" Wally shouted at her.

"Good question! My name is Sasha and I am a good friend of Anne's!" Sasha said with a fake smile, gesturing to Anne.

"Yeah." Anne said, very weary of Sasha.

"Anne, can we trust her?" Sprig whispered, already getting a bad feeling of Sasha.

"...Stay on guard, pass the word." Anne whispered back.

Sprig nodded. Sprig began passing the word in a low town as Sasha continued to speak.

"We've come with amazing news." Sasha said, "We're here to... invite you to a party!"

"A party?" Anne asked.

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